Chapter 9497 Killer Cap

Although Fei Yi had guessed that Yun Chujiu had hidden strength before, he could never think of being so strong.

Chi Wu saw Fei Yi shocked, and inexplicably had a sense of superiority.

Huh, look at your uninformed look!

The little girl is a real big brother, and there are more amazing places!

At this time, the multi-eyed beast is very anxious and corrupt, and it is pondering how to deal with Yun Chujiu.

Since the consciousness is not good, it can only use its killer.

To be honest, it doesn't really want to use it, but now there is no other choice.

Ask for help from other grieving beasts?

What a joke? !

Unless under certain circumstances, otherwise they are endless enemies, it is good not to take advantage of the fire, but can it help? impossible!

After the many-eyed beasts made up their minds, the eyes on the head suddenly burst into a sharp arrow and went straight to Yunchujiu.

Although it looks like a sharp arrow, in fact, these are all grudges, and those who are hit will fall into the devil.

The reason why many-eyed beasts are reluctant to use this trick is because once this trick is used, its strength will be weakened a lot, after all, it is itself a grudge.

With less grievances, the strength will naturally weaken.

But now I can't take care of that much anymore. I don't clean up the stinky girl. It can't deal with a few others at all.

Yun Chujiu saw those sharp arrows coming, and naturally she wouldn't be stupid waiting to be struck. She flicked lightly to the side, trying to avoid those sharp arrows.

However, those sharp arrows were directed by a multi-eyed grudge beast and could turn, so even if Yun Chujiu jumped aside, he still kept up.

Yun Chujiu was a little surprised this time, but this many-eyed beast is a bit capable.

Seeing that the sharp arrows were vaguely black, she guessed something and felt that it might be due to resentment.

She didn't want to be contaminated by these gadgets. Although she was tenacious, she was contaminated by this gadget and it took some effort to clear it.

However, if those sharp arrows had bone gangrene, Yun Chujiu evaded for a while and could not get rid of it.

Yun Chujiu was a little impatient, and the most feared thing about these evil things was lightning.

She was too lazy to think about whether to reveal the stuffing, and waved a few purple lightning bolts.

After the lightning was struck by lightning, it suddenly turned into nothingness.

The multi-eyed grumble beast uttered a scream, and ran away.

Yun Chujiu found that the time it was invisible at this time was much longer than before, but the time it appeared was shorter.

Yun Chujiu suddenly realized that the reason why this beast is hidden is not a supernatural power, but its body is still not solid, and it cannot be maintained forever.

Now it has suffered a huge damage and it is more difficult to maintain its figure.

Ducau came to the spirit at this time, and the cry was screaming:

"Stop, you little weak chicken, have the ability to stop running!

Small waste, you stop me! See me not peck you! "

There are still some free-minded minds in the multi-eyed grudge beast. It wished that it could grow a few legs to run faster.

But his body is a snake, and despite his desperate twists and turns, it just makes the body enchanting, and the speed is just like that.

In fact, it has nothing to do with it, mainly because it has lost too much resentment and reduced its strength, so it can't run fast.

Yun Chujiu followed not far from behind, she was worried that she just came in and didn't recognize the way. It's also good to have this stupid absence to lead the way.

Whether she sees the recidivist or greets its companion, she is happy to see it.

Duchuang said diligently: "Master, I'm carrying you!"

(End of this chapter)

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