Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9498: It’s okay to be a centipede

Chapter 9498 is no problem if you want to be a centipede

Ducuk suddenly became transparent just now!

Anyway, the wood has become a boat, it is all her bird, and then worry about what face is used for? !

Besides, what a bad girl!

Not only are they not afraid of the attack of God's consciousness, but they will still split the lightning, is this still human? !

After following such a master, it will definitely fly to Huang Tengda in the future!

What is it without a leg? !

Maybe there will be as many legs as it wants in the future, even if it wants to be a centipede!

Don’t say anything else, just look at how miserable the beasts are!

There were dozens of eyes before, but now there is only one eye left, and it has become one-eyed!

After understanding it, it felt that it was necessary to please Yun Chujiu, so it proposed to carry her on its back.

Yun Chujiu was naturally not polite, so he jumped on the back of the one-claw, and leisurely followed behind the many-eyed beast.

Fei Yi and Chi Wu are dumbfounded!

They are some distance away from Yun Chujiu, so they are not afraid of her hearing.

Chi Wu stammered, "Brother, that one, yes, is it lightning? Me, am I right?"

Fei Yi is also shocked:

"You read it right, it must be lightning, because only the most masculine thing like lightning can restrain resentment."

Chi Wu swallowed: "Then, why can that little girl send out lightning? She is actually a dark cloud?"

Fei Yi: "..."

He pondered for a moment and said:

"You mentioned the dark clouds, but I remembered one thing. I heard that there is a Eight Qi prison among the eight evil prisons, and the people there can have summon beasts, among which there are summon beasts in the form of dark clouds, which can split lightning."

Chi Wu exclaimed: "So, she's actually calling the beast to become elite?"

Fei Yi: "..."

You're on the right hand, right? !

Chi Wu was too shocked, so he talked a little thoughtlessly.

After calming down a little, he pondered a bit and said, "You said, the little girl will not be a fugitive from Baqi prison?

I recalled just now that she seemed to have no understanding of many things here. I initially thought she was served by Anhui, so this is the case.

Looking at it now, there are flaws in it.

Who doesn't know how miserable and cowardly the woman in Anhui is, how could such a quaint spirit appear.

Moreover, some of her means haven't been seen before, and she is too strong to cultivate!

If it is served by Anhui, it simply does not make sense. "

Seeing Fei Yi silently, he tentatively said: "If she is really a fugitive from Baqi prison, what are you going to do?"

Fei Yi glanced at him: "What are you going to do?"

Chi Wu suddenly pouted:

"You don't have a lot of confusion here, don't you know what the eight evil prisons are all about?

Don't you know how good it would be if you reported her?

You just say what do you want to do?

Let's just say it, you can't eat solitary meals, if you report me a share. "

Fei Yi suddenly smiled.

"Second brother, you don't need to test me. Since I became your eldest brother, I won't betray you, even if she is a fugitive from Baqi prison."

Chi Wu also smiled.

"Big Brother, I'm not kidding you!

We, brothers and sisters, how can we sell our family for the sake of a little profit!

Besides, we have experienced life and death, and if we do the kind of unscrupulous things, it is really bad for pigs and dogs. "

Fei Yi knows that Chi Wu is beating him, and he is too lazy to fudge with him. Although he has a plan, he still can't figure out how to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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