Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9499: A belly question mark

Chapter 9499 Chapter One Question Mark

Chi Wujian Fei Yi didn't seem to be telling lies, and he was relieved.

He doesn't have much brother and sister affection with Yun Chujiu, mainly because he knows the situation very well.

Among these three cliffs, they have to count on Yun Chujiu to save their lives!

Not to mention anything else, those complaining beasts can be dealt with by her. He and Fei Yi can't deal with them at all.

The little girl is monkey-like, but if she has any clues, she will find her, and she will have to turn her face.

He was afraid that Fei Yi would show some flaws, Yun Chujiu killed his red eyes, maybe he would anger him. In that case, how unlucky he was!

Therefore, he beat Fei Yi with words, lest he really have any thoughts.

While breathing a sigh of relief, Chi Wu was puzzled. I heard that the eight evil prisons could only enter and exit through the reincarnation, and I heard that unless there is a special token, the criminal would have no way to enter the channel of the reincarnation, she How did you escape?

Also, I heard that the criminals of the eight evil prisons rarely practice the method of consciousness, even if they can practice it, they can’t attack the real thing. Why can she?

Huh? Wait, it seems that she has never seen her use her consciousness to attack the real thing!

By the way, there are eight people in the jailhouse who seem to be born with defects, and they can’t open the magic. Why can she open the nine magic?

Chi Wu was full of question marks, but now is not the time to ask. He can only think about how to show up and how to behave in a moment... Brothers and sisters are deeply affectionate, never give up, and never betray.

During this period, Fei Yi did not speak, the two fell silent behind the way.

Yun Chujiu sat on Duclaw's body, his eyes kept staring at the many-eyed beasts not far away.

The multi-eyed grudge beast should now be renamed to the one-eyed grudge beast, because there is only one eye left.

It is almost unsustainable, and it will turn into resentment and even dissipate at any time.

Don't regret it in your heart!

I knew I would encounter the demon, and even if it had a few dozen more eyes, it would pretend not to see her and not to provoke her.

It's a pity that it's too late to say that now it has to go back to the host and take his grievances to maintain his body.

As for whether the host will be exposed, it has not been considered so much.

Moreover, the trapped position of the host is fixed, even if it does not lead the way, the demon can certainly be found.

Besides, the host is not so irritating, maybe it can help him revenge.

When the time comes to catch the stinky girl, it must give back the humiliation a hundred times, and give her a thousand times!

The multi-eyed beasts relieved themselves, and there was no psychological burden...the wolf entered the room.

The multi-eyed grumble beast climbed into a cave before it completely dissipated, and then roared with a few angry voices, shaking the fluffy big tail at Yun Chujiu.

Subtext: Can you bear to chase me!

Ducau hesitated: "Master, shall we go in? I think it must be a trap inside, otherwise let the behind chunky man go in and try it out?"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She just turned back to see Fei Yi and Chi Wu, and the distance between them and her had shortened a lot.

Chi Wu saw her looking back, busy showing eight teeth, and smiled like a brother.

Yun Chujiu was slightly smirked by him and waved at him.

Chi Wu hurried over and Fei Yi followed.

Yun Chujiu asked: "Second brother, I guess there should be a serious offense.

You don’t need to tell me about the origin of the floating cartel and here, you just tell me, what is the terrible thing about reoffending? Also, is the recidivism a human? "

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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