What happened to Chapter 9509?

As the practice progressed, Yun Chujiu discovered some clues.

This set of exercises seems to want to "modify" her spiritual consciousness. It may not be appropriate to use the word modification, but for a while she can't think of other words.

To make an analogy, for example, her spiritual consciousness was originally round, but this exercise seems to want to turn it into a square.

Although Yun Chujiu couldn't guess the purpose of the old man's doing this, he still decided to give up this set of exercises, after all, there was no need to take risks.

Just when she was about to give up, she was surprised to find that the eye she had drilled before had changed.

That eye is getting bigger!

Yun Chujiu didn't know whether this change was good or bad for a while. Out of caution, she opened her eyes and looked at the old man.

The old man was startled, and said to his heart, did the smelly girl find something wrong?

It doesn't matter, anyway, he is ready to talk, enough to deal with her.

"Master, I suddenly thought of a question when I was cultivating just now, can you help me solve my puzzles?"

The old man smiled kindly: "This is natural, let's talk, what doubts?"

"Is the divine orifice immutable, or will it change?"

The old man frowned slightly: "Change? What do you mean?"

"Such as getting bigger or smaller or changing shape?"

The old man murmured in his heart, it was nonsense. Once the divine orifice was formed, it was shaped. How could it change its shape? !

It's strange that the exercises he taught her just now only change the spiritual consciousness, and won't change the spiritual consciousness?

However, he thought again that this technique was figured out during the time he was trapped, and he had never tried it. Maybe it did have this function.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "Yes, the divine orifice does change with the growth of divine consciousness, but this also varies from person to person. The stronger the divine consciousness, the more obvious this change is.

Like the two wastes behind you, it is estimated that you cannot perceive this change. "

The old man thinks he is simply too smart!

After saying that, even those two idiots couldn't break the stage.

It is a pity that he is facing a great dramatist, and he is still the same as that.

Yun Chujiu could tell that the old man was lying at a glance, and she couldn't help but wonder in her heart. It seemed that the divine abilities would not change.

So the question is, why is she getting bigger?

Could it be because she had come out of this eye, so... mutated?

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that this eye becomes bigger? Do you want to continue practicing the old man's exercises?

For the sake of safety, she carefully observed the enlarged divine orifice, and did not see anything wrong.

At this moment, Dahua shook these two pig ears close to the eye and rolled comfortably.

The Qilin Sword Spirit also leaned over and leaned aside.

Yun Chujiu was surprised: "What's the matter?"

Dahua said lazily: "It's very comfortable to stay here. I think I will soon be able to change from a pig's head to a pig's head with a neck."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Qilin Sword Spirit is much more reliable than Dahua. It said: "Master, I don't know why, I feel more comfortable staying around here, as it seems to be beneficial to cultivation."

Yun Chujiu's heart moved, if this is the case, it means that it should be a good thing for the eyes to become bigger.

That being the case, it would be better to continue practicing the remaining part of the exercises, and it would not be too late to stop if something went wrong.

Thinking of this, she closed her eyes and continued to meditate.

Upon seeing this, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the smelly girl had discovered something wrong, but fortunately he had fooled it.

Haha, as long as the smelly girl runs the entire exercise once, he will be free again!

The operation went well and I have been discharged from the hospital. It will be kept for a few days, and then it will resume four thousand updates. On the homepage, there is a courageous writer sister event. You can support it if you have time, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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