Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9510: Turned into a whirlpool

Chapter 9510 becomes a whirlpool

When the old man was grinning, Chi Wu hummed and said:

"Sister, my stomachache suddenly becomes unbearable. Come over and show me!"

The old man naturally didn't want Yun Chujiu's practice to be interrupted, and he endured his displeasure and said, "She is practicing, how can I care about you?!

Come here, I'll help you see. "

Chi Wu trembled, and whispered: "Don't dare to bother you, let my little sister help me see! Little sister, little sister, come here!"

Yun Chujiu knew that Chi Wu was using an introduction to remind her, but she had tasted the sweetness now and did not want to stop her cultivation.

So, he said: "Since you can talk, it means that the pain is not terrible! You let that big brother help you see, I'm busy!"

Chi Wu is so angry!

I usually look clever, why are you confused now? !

The old man didn't feel at ease when he saw it. If he cultivated his practice, he would have to make trouble.

If something happens to her, he and Fei Yi are left to be slaughtered.

He wanted to say it again. Fei Yi came over and gave him a wink with his back to the old man, and said, "Since the little girl can't make a move, let me take a look!"

Chi Wu could understand Fei Yi's eyes, so he could be restless, so he had to cooperate with Fei Yi to continue the performance, humming a few times from time to time.

At the same time, Yun Chujiu continued to practice the exercises taught by the old man.

The big flower in the divine consciousness kept groaning:

"Comfortable, comfortable, so comfortable! If it weren't for my big head, I would really like to stay in this eye for a while."

The Qilin Sword Spirit couldn't understand its squeaky look, and said: "You don't know what this eye is. You may be gone when you get in!"

Not only was Dahua not annoyed, but happily said, "Sister Ling'er, are you caring about me? Are you worrying about my danger?

Don't worry, even if it's for you, I won't risk it. I just talked about it.

Taking a step back, this eye was drilled by the master herself, and it is still within her sea of ​​consciousness, how could it be dangerous..."

Before Dahua had finished speaking, she noticed the huge suction in her eyes, and she was scared to crawl away from that eye.

It stared at that eye with lingering fears, and saw that the eye seemed to have turned into a whirlpool, and the surrounding spirits were distorted.

It's scary!

How could this be?

Yun Chujiu has been paying attention to the situation of the divine consciousness, so he also discovered the abnormality in that eye at this time.

She is a little entangled, should she continue to practice the old man's exercises?

When she was hesitating, the old man suddenly let out a scream.

She hurriedly opened her eyes and looked forward.

I saw the old man's savage face, like crazy: "What did you do? What did you do to my spiritual consciousness?"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

This old man has been locked up crazy, right? !

She is several feet away from him, and there is no way for her to attack her, what can she do to him? !

Not only Yun Chujiu thought so, but Chi Wu and Fei Yi also thought so, and even the multi-eyed resentful beast thought so.

The Multi-Eyed Resent Beast frantically absorbed the grievances from the old man, while wondering, which of the host's troubles was causing? Why is there so much resentment suddenly?

Yun Chujiu looked concerned and puzzled: "Master, where do you start? Are you okay?"

The old man stared at Yun Chujiu bitterly. Because he was enduring a great deal of pain, his facial features were a little distorted, and his cold sweat continued to trickle down. He had no energy to play a good master.

(End of this chapter)

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