Chapter 9511 Chain God Chain

"Little bastard, don't pretend to be garlic in front of me. You know what you have done!

I underestimated you. I thought you jumped into the trap I dug, but I didn't expect you to give me a trap.

Say, what exactly did you do to my consciousness? "The old man gritted his teeth and asked.

Yun Chujiu was confused and really didn't understand why the old man suddenly turned his face.

She was aggrieved and puzzled: "Master, what's wrong with you? I'm cultivating the exercises you taught me! What pitfalls, what tricks, why don't I understand?"

Seeing her little white lotus appearance, the old man almost died of anger!

He understands it. Regarding his thick-skinned face, he can't compare to the stinky girl in front of him even if he lives so old, because she is simply shameless!

The old man was angrily attacked, and finally he spouted blood.

Originally the old man was skinny and skinny, and became weaker after vomiting blood, as if he would die at any time.

Yun Chujiu looked worried: "Master, what's the matter with you? Don't scare the disciple. I'm just you. If you die, where can I find a good master like you?!"

The old man almost spurted out another mouthful of blood!

However, he was also someone who was once the most powerful person anyhow, took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and gradually recovered his sanity.

He was sure of what Yun Chujiu had done, that's why his spiritual consciousness was abnormal. It is obviously not a wise choice to turn his face now.

So, he forcibly endured the pain of his consciousness, squeezed out a smile and said, "Little girl, let's stop acting. I have no blessing to accept an apprentice like you.

Let's open the skylight and talk brightly. How can you let me go? "

Yun Chujiu was really a little confused, but soon thought of the abnormality of the eye in the divine sense, could it be related to this?

It's just that, why can the change of her consciousness cause the change of the old man's consciousness?

Is it related to that set of exercises?

She thought of this and said with a smile: "Senior, since you said that, then I won't hide it. If you want me to stop, you have to show some sincerity.

Well, tell your previous plan and listen to it. "

The old man was tortured by the severe pain of his divine consciousness. Although he tried his best to stay calm, he was somewhat affected and his thinking was not so sensitive.

So when I heard Yun Chujiu's words, he didn't notice anything wrong, and said:

"Up to now, there is nothing that can't be said. The exercises I taught you have been studied for many years, and it cost me a lot of effort.

As long as you run it again, your divine consciousness will become the same as mine. Of course, I mean the breath of divine consciousness.

At that time, the punishment will be transferred to you.

In other words, the 18 **** chains on my body will be transferred to you, and I will be free again!

It's a pity that you saw it through, and you just tried to kill me.

I really can’t understand, how did you do it? "

Yun Chujiu said, I also want to know how I did it?

But to see what it means, even if she continues to practice that set of exercises, it should be harmless to her.

In that case, it's better to give it a try, there may be unexpected gains.

Thinking of this, Yun Chujiu continued to meditate and practice, no longer paying attention to the elderly.

The old man was so angry that he cursed, how unpleasant it was, how unpleasant it was, Yun Chujiuquan was pouting.

With Yun Chujiu's practice, the whirlpool in that eye turned faster and faster, and the old man's cry became more and more stern, and finally turned his eyes and passed out.

Continue tomorrow, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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