Chapter 9517 ate it

At this time, the multi-eyed resentful beast finally crawled behind Yun Chujiu, next to Chi Wu.

Don't despise anyone, they are all the poor little ones with their backs leaning on the big tree to enjoy the shade.

These two guys didn't want to think about it, just Yun Chujiu's small body couldn't cover them at all.

At this time, the monster with the word resentment floated towards Yun Chujiu and the others. Although they hadn't completely transformed into a human form, they could still see a little hideousness.

Chi Wu shivered with fright: "Little, little girl, it's coming!"

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast rolled his eyes, isn't this nonsense? !

The devil is not blind, can she see the monster coming?

The devil looks very smart, why is her brother so stupid?

In fact, Yun Chujiu didn't have a bottom line in her heart. Although she guessed that this thing should have been caused by resentment, it was definitely much stronger than resentful beast.

Can the lightning she strikes have an effect?

But now I can only bite the bullet and deal with it, after all, I can't run away.

She raised her right hand and struck out a flash of lightning, but instead of slashing at the resentful monster, she slashed on the open ground.

"Stop! See my tricks, right? Let's not attack the river, or be the enemy.

As long as you don't embarrass us, we will leave Sanshiya now. "

The resentful monster seemed to be horrified by lightning, and paused.

However, after Yun Chujiu finished speaking, he continued to float towards her, and the speed was even faster.

The multi-eyed resentful beast suddenly felt cold, and it was over!

It seems that the devil's tricks are not working well!

It regrets in its heart!

If it had known this, it should honestly take the female devil to find the nearest felon, and it would not have encountered such a bad thing.

It's okay now, the devil's head is useless, they all have to be swallowed by this monster.

It hasn't realized its dream of being the king and hegemony, it doesn't want to die yet!

Chi Wu was also a way to cool off the cold in his heart. Even in his dreams, he didn't expect such a way of death.

However, he still has a trace of luck, the younger sister is a big brother after all, maybe there are other means.

Yun Chujiu didn't expect that the resentment monster was not afraid of thunder and lightning. Of course, it might be that the thunder and lightning she just struck was a little weak.

Seeing it getting closer and closer, Yun Chujiu had to wave his hands together and struck out several lightning bolts.

Lightning struck the resentful monster, and hissing black smoke emerged.

The resentment monster became more and more ferocious, seeing that it was only ten feet away from Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu really had no choice but to let the big flower out: "Eat it!"

big flower:"……"

Although it's not picky eaters, it's grieving this thing. It hasn't eaten it so much. Are you sure it can eat it?

Although he was reluctant, he could only jump over and bite the monster with grievance.

The resentful monster struggled violently, and the big flower was thrown away, but it also took a small bite.

After the grievances left the monster of grievances, they became green little people again.

The big flower just fell by the side of the Multi-Eyed Resent Beast, and the Multi-Eyed Resent Beast was not polite, and directly swallowed the little green people.

Dahua is so angry!

Although this thing is not delicious, it does not mean that it is willing to be intercepted.

It deliberately looked for the theory of multi-eyed complaining to the beast, but it couldn't maintain its shape and disappeared.

The bite of the resentful monster had little effect, and it was also angered!

Its figure soared and turned into a thick green fog, covering the three people and the multi-eyed resentful beast.

There was green mist around Yun Chujiu, and Chi Wu, Fei Yi and Multi-Eyed Resent Beast had disappeared.

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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