Chapter 9518 Are you complaining?

Yun Chujiu knew that the thick green fog was a kind of magical power displayed by the monster of complaint, so he didn't panic and was ready to strike lightning at any time.

At this time, many green little people appeared around her, and her ears were full of voices one after another:

"Are you complaining?"

"Do you hate it?"

"Don't you think God is unfair?"

"Don't you think some people are sorry for you?"


Yun Chujiu frowned, "You are too noisy! Can you choose a representative?"

A crowd of little green people: "..."

Yun Chujiu followed a little green man and said, "I think it looks the best, so let it be the representative. What do you think?"

The little green people were frying the pan immediately!

"It looks good? Where does it look good? It doesn't look as good as those resentful beasts!"

"That's it, look at its big pancake face, I suspect it was stepped on its head when it was born."

"If you want to choose, you have to choose the tallest one. I am the tallest, so it's better to choose me!"

"Bah! Being tall is what a fart?! I think I should choose the fattest one, I am very suitable."


The little green guys were just quarreling at first, and finally developed into a big fight, which was called a lively fight.

Yun Chujiu looked at it leisurely, and finally took out a handful of melon seeds while watching the show.

After a while, the little green people finally calmed down, staring at Yun Chujiu in anger.

At this time, a somewhat ethereal voice said: "Little girl, cleverness won't go long..."

Yun Chujiu interrupted it with a smile, "I didn't want to go too far, it would be nice to walk for a while, or else...too tired."

That voice was not affected by Yun Chujiu's gag, and continued: "I won't say more about digressions, I know you have resentment in your heart.

You are destined to have no parents for life, even if your parents are still alive, you will not be with you.

You are destined to suffer from displacement since childhood, even if you have nothing to worry about, you are greedy for money and food because you always have fear in your heart.

You are destined to be alone, even if you have someone you love, he will be backlashed by your luck, and you will die without a lifetime.

You are doomed to do nothing, even if you just gain something, you will be beaten back into the dust in an instant.

So, don't you complain? "

Yun Chujiu didn't gag anymore this time, his expression became serious.

The little green people pointed at her:

"It's so pitiful. I thought we were miserable enough. I didn't expect her to be worse. There is nothing worse than her!"

"Yes, if I had known that there was a poor person like her, I wouldn't have had such a big grievance."


Following the words of the little green people, Yun Chujiu's face became resentful, and he looked ashamed.

At this time, the voice was persuasive:

"God treats you unfairly, it's normal for you to have grievances, don't suppress, don't control, think about your tragic experience, everyone owes you, you have a reason to hate everyone..."

The voice was enchanting, and the faces of the little green people surrounding Yun Chujiu became more and more ferocious.

Yun Chujiu said angrily: "You are right, God is too unfair to me, why is this?!"

The little green people suddenly showed their pride, and it was done!

This stinky girl has already bred resentment, and then people who are sorry for her will be listed, and then resentment will further breed...

(End of this chapter)

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