Chapter 9519 boom

When the little green people were proud, Yun Chujiu roared with his fists clenched like chicken blood.

"Heaven is not a good thing, it should be killed by the sky thunder!

No, Tian Lei is a puppet of Heaven, and it is estimated that there is no way to hack it.

Since the sky thunder is not good, how can I kill it?

You guys quickly give me an idea, how can I retaliate against God and kill it? "

The little green people opened their mouths big, and their triumphant expressions turned into consternation, looking a little funny.

The main reason is that they didn't expect Yun Chujiu to be such a brain circuit.

I was seduced with grievances. Although I should complain about the injustice of fate, I shouldn't regard Tiandao as an enemy, right?

What can you do to the heavens?

No matter what they think, Yun Chujiu exclaimed:

"I always think that the way of heaven is not a good thing, but there is still no evidence, but listening to you say that, it is really heinous!

From now on, my goal is to die of heaven, or else my grievance will not come out anyway. "

"God, you immortal, you wait for me!"

"God, I hate you! One day I will trample you under my feet and let you call me ancestor!"

"Heaven, if you want to hate, hate this resentment monster, it reminds me, otherwise I really can't remember hating you."


When Yun Chujiu was scolding Zhenghuan, the thick green fog disappeared, and Chi Wu, Fei Yi and Multi-Eyed Resent Beast reappeared in her field of vision.

However, their situation is a bit wrong.

Both Fei Yi and Chi Wu have a look of resentment, and the dozen or so big eyes of the multi-eyed resentful beast are also full of resentment.

Before Yun Chujiu said anything, he heard the sound of thunder blowing above his head.

Boom! Boom! Rumble!

The enchantment above kept shaking.

Almost at the same time, Fei Yi and the others slowed down, looking confused.

Yun Chujiu didn't find the trace of the monster with the word complaint, it seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Of course, she knew it couldn't disappear out of thin air, she must be afraid of the sky thunder, so she hid it.

She looked at the multi-eyed resentful beast with a dumb face: "Hornet's nest, tell me what is the origin of those little green people?"

Just at this time, another sky thunder struck the barrier, and the multi-eyed resent beast frightened to the ground.

It yelled sharply, but it was a pity that Yun Chujiu couldn't understand a word.

Yun Chujiu frowned, how can he communicate with it?

It is estimated that there is no way to contract this thing. Besides, the old man who was silly before said that this thing not only **** resentment but also **** vitality, she doesn't want it.

Ergouzi in the spirit beast bag gave her an idea: "Little fairy, ask if he can write. If he can write, it would be easy!"

Yun Chujiu hadn't spoken yet, and Duclaw disdainfully said, "Are you stupid?! It doesn't even have a claw, how to write even if it can write? Is it written with eyes?!"

Er Gouzi became a little bit irritated: "You are not stupid, then how do you communicate with it? Are you willing to be its host?

By the way, you are right, you were cut off by the little fairy, and now you are full of resentment, right? Are you eager for little fairy to be unlucky? "

Duclaw snorted coldly: "You are purely treating my claw's belly with the heart of a puppy. I have long felt that two legs are very annoying, but I have never had a chance to break it.

The master has fulfilled me now, you four-legged idiot, you will never experience the joy of jumping on one leg! "

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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