Chapter 9520 why let it know

Ergouzi originally thought that his technique of blowing rainbow farts had reached the pinnacle. After listening to Duclaw's words, he knew that it still has a lot of room for improvement!

Look at how much this shameless man can talk, and it's hard for him to say such things against his will.

Er Gouzi curled his lips and said, "It's better to say than to sing. If you don't change the subject, I will ask you, what can you do for the little fairy to communicate with the hornet's nest?"

The claw suddenly became speechless, how did it know this? ! It was just a funny idea from Ergouzi, so it couldn't help but ridicule.

Seeing that it was silent, Er Gouzi suddenly became proud: "If you don't know, you should blend less, and your IQ is worthy of being a pathfinder substitute."

With a straight claw, this **** Ergouzi really doesn't open the pot or lift the pot, it's really too much to clean up!

"If you can come out, I can't kill you!"

"If you let me out, I'll go out, that's so shameless!"


Yun Chujiu said impatiently: "Shut up all of you, and make me less messy."

Only then did the two disappear.

Yun Chujiu looked at the multi-eyed resentful beast: "Can you write?"

The head of the multi-eyed resent beast is shaking like a rattle. It is not easy for it to live as a resent beast. Where can there be time to learn to write? !

Besides, it doesn't even have paws, so what to write? !

Yun Chujiu was really embarrassed now, although he could even guess and get it, it was too time-consuming.

If it doesn't work, make a contract with this thing first, and then terminate the contract with it after asking for key information.

It's just easier said than done. She doesn't know how to make a contract with it, and she doesn't know how to break the contract with it, and she doesn't even know whether it can be concluded.

She looked at the multi-eyed resentful beast: "Can you make a bond with me? Do you know how to operate it?"

The multi-eyed resentful beast shivered with fright, and his head shook constantly, giving a negative answer.

Yun Chujiu knew at a glance that it was lying, because its more than a dozen eyes were full of guilty conscience and he did not dare to look directly at her.

Yun Chujiu said solemnly: "Hurry up and make an agreement with me, or you will be killed!"

Seeing the thunder light in Yun Chujiu's palm, the multi-eyed resent beast frightened...knocked its head.

It is also difficult for it to have a snake-shaped body to make difficult movements like bowing.

Seeing that it was soft, Yun Chujiu calmed down and said, "Our contract is only temporary. After you tell me useful news, I will terminate the contract with you.

You should also know how to terminate the contract, right? "

The multi-eyed resent beast nodded in a hurry, for fear that the nodding would be slow, and Yun Chujiu's sky thunder struck it on it.

Yun Chujiu said, "If this is the case, let's start!"

The Multi-Eyed Hustle Beast circled Yun Chujiu a few times, and yelled out of grievance and anxiety.

Yun Chujiu's face was dazed, and it took a long time to understand what it means to be angry with many eyes.

Resentment beasts need to use grievance as a medium, so Yun Chujiu has to exude grievances.

As soon as Yun Chujiu snapped, he pointed out that this was easy to handle, so this guy began to yell at the sky:

"God, you thief is old and bald! Are the words that the monster said is true? I said that I can't stop my teeth when I drink cold water. It turns out that it's all a good thing you did!"

"I don't think you will be called Tiandao in the future, change your name to Tianque! Because you lack old virtue!"

"You wait for me, sooner or later I will let you know how many eyes the hornet's nest has!"

Multi-eyed Beast: "..."

How many eyes does it have to do with heaven? Why let it know?

(End of this chapter)

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