Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9521: I didn't think about anything

Chapter 9521 I didn't think about anything

What Chi Wu cares about is: Why does the little girl scold God for being a thief and bald? Is Tiandao a... bald?

He just thought of this, and there was another burst of thunder in the enchantment above his head.

Chi Wu was so frightened that he knelt directly on the ground, not daring to think about it anymore.

The multi-eyed resentment beast was also very scared, seeing Yun Chujiu finally spilling a faint resentment, and he was busy beginning to conclude the agreement.

While concluding the contract, she wondered, this female devil dare to have resentment against Heaven? It's a devil!

After a while, the contract is completed.

After the multi-eyed grieving beast realized something, it was now bound to the head of the devil. Doesn't it mean that it can eat her life?

Whoops, then it...

As soon as it thought of this, a gloomy voice sounded in its divine consciousness: "Hornet's nest, if you dare to swallow my vitality, I will kill you directly!

Don't you want to use any consequences to scare me, I have never been threatened by anyone. "

The multi-eyed resentful beast was so frightened, could the female devil read mind? How else would you know it was thinking about this?

It hurriedly said with divine consciousness: "I didn't think about it, I really didn't think about anything."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Even with this IQ, I lose too much eyes, or I don’t know how to die.

She didn't bother to talk to it, and asked, "What are those little green people? Are they the little green dots that you saw outside Sanshiya?"

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast said hurriedly: "Those little green people are terrific. I also heard the dead old man say that these felons were detained here, not just to trap them here.

Instead, they used their vitality to suppress something in Sanshiya. The old man didn't know what it was. Anyway, it was something extraordinary. "

Yun Chujiu interrupted: "The people who suppressed the felons did not expect to breed you resentful beasts. It is precisely because you swallowed part of the vitality of the felons that the things under the Three Worlds Cliff came out?"

The multi-eyed resent beast nodded vigorously, and said to his heart, the devil is indeed a devil, so smart!

Yun Chujiu asked again: "What does the little green people have to do with the things under the Three World Cliffs?"

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast said suspiciously: "How can you be sure that those little green people are not that thing?"

Yun Chujiu curled his lips: "It's not easy. You rushed like this before. Obviously you know what those little green people are. Obviously, it can't be something under the Three Worlds Cliff."

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast laughed twice: "You are right, those little green people are indeed not the things under the Three Worlds Cliff, and I don't know what the stuff is underneath.

When the little green people first appeared, although we didn't know what they were, they were full of resentment, so we named them... resentment.

But we are greedy beasts, and want to swallow it, but we have a natural fear of Sanshiya, so we can only watch.

When I took you to find other repeat offenders, it suddenly occurred to me that the Cliff of the Third World had collapsed, and then I hurried over. "

When the multi-eyed resentful beast said this, he couldn't help but feel lucky, but fortunately it came late, or it would have been swallowed by the resentful monster.

What does this show?

It means that God is helping it!

Without doing it yourself, those enemies will belch!

The day it will rule the king is just around the corner!

When it was screaming, it heard Chi Wu yelling: "Look! There is a crack in the barrier!"

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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