Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9533: I have a bold guess

Chapter 9533 I have a bold guess

Yun Chujiu and Multi-Eyed Beast communicated with God's consciousness, so other people didn't know what they were talking about.

Seeing that Yun Chujiu hadn't moved, the old man urged: "Why are you still not leaving?"

Yun Chujiu was relieved, and suddenly thought of the former owner of the multi-eyed resent beast.

The old man used the exercises, it is said that she can make her spirit and aura become the same as his. In that case, the **** chain will be locked on her body.

This was a way, but she quickly gave up the idea.

Because once she told the old man about the matter, he might find a substitute for the dead from the three of them. Isn't this digging a hole for himself? !

Besides, even though the old idiot said the truth, he may not be reliable.

She is a living example. After practicing that set of exercises, she didn't do much, and the old fool became stupid.

Also, don't look at the old man who looks amiable now, but he is really free. Maybe it's just like what the multi-eyed grieving beast said will be gratitude and revenge.

So even if there is a way to save him, there must be a prerequisite, that is, she must have a way to restrain him.

Yun Chujiu felt a little upset about this, she was a little frizzy today, and almost made a big mistake.

In fact, she also knew why this happened, mainly because she remembered the three thousand continents, she had been out for so long, and she had no clue.

I suddenly heard some specious clues today, and I was confused.

She calmed herself down, worked everything in her heart again, and then said:

"Senior, I want to see the fragment of Sha, how can I see it?"

The old man almost blurted out: "Are you crazy?!"

Not only the old man thought she was crazy, but Chi Wu and Fei Yi, and even the multi-eyed resentful beast thought she was crazy!

Of course Yun Chujiu was not crazy, what Tiandao wanted to obliterate might be useful to her, after all, the enemy's enemy is a friend.

Besides, although the previous monster of grievance was not easy to deal with, it was not particularly threatening to her.

As for the fragments of the evil, since the monsters of complaint are so swaggering, it must have little strength left.

Yun Chujiu naturally wouldn't tell the truth. She said, "Senior, although you said there is no other way to save you, I still want to try. Maybe the fragments of Sha can cut the chain of the gods.

Even if only one is cut off, you can feel better, right? "

The old man was taken aback, and then smiled: "Little girl, I'm not a fool. Let's meet together, can you be so kind?

However, since you have to go, I can't stop it. "

After all, there is still a trace of luck in his heart, if this little girl can really get the fragments of Sha, maybe he can really cut the chain of the gods.

Anyway, he didn't take anything, so it doesn't hurt to tell her.

The old man continued: "The fragments of Sha are under the Sanshi Cliff. Now that the Sanshi Cliff has collapsed, it should be under the rocks.

I don't know where it is and how I can see it, but you can start with the monster of complaint.

It itself is attached to the fragments of Sha, and naturally knows how to see it.

It's just that the resentment monster is very difficult to deal with, you have to be careful!

It's a pity that I'm in jail now, or I can help you. "

Yun Chujiu blinked his eyes: "Senior, although you can't leave here, you can lend me your baby!

I heard that you have tens of thousands of treasures! "

Old man: I have a bold guess. You said a lot, but you just want to lie to my baby.

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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