Chapter 9534 Storage Magic Aperture

The more the old man thinks about it, the more he feels that Yun Chujiu is arranging his baby, and his face is a bit ugly:

"Little girl, this is your purpose for such a big circle, right?"

Yun Chujiu's face was open and stern: "Senior, you have wronged me by saying this. I am a person who shuns money out of righteousness and treats money like dung. I don't know how to write the word greed.

What I just said was very clear. I borrowed it or not. I borrowed your baby for self-defense. If you are reluctant, then I have the right to say nothing.

I'm going to look for the monster of resentment now, life and death have fate and wealth in heaven, see you later. "

Yun Chujiu walked out as he said, this guy is just acting, not to mention anything else, she can't get out even if she wants to go out, so the old man must send her out.

However, this sing-in-action downplay made the old man dispel his doubts, and he felt that he was thinking too much.

Furthermore, although he felt that the possibility of Yun Chujiu's success was very small, but it was still a thought anyway, and it wouldn't hurt to borrow her.

"I have a hairpin here, named Ni Cai Qingxin Hairpin, which can offset some grievances. Take it!"

Following the old man's voice, a hairpin appeared out of thin air and fell on Yun Chujiu's hand.

I have to say that this hairpin is very beautiful and practical.

What Yun Chujiu is more interested in is where the old man hides the hairpin?

It stands to reason that he was locked by the **** chain, even if he could use part of his spiritual consciousness cultivation, but the storage ring or something must have been searched away.

Does this old man also have treasures like Taixu Secret Realm?

She asked cheeky: "Senior, where is your baby? I didn't see you have a storage ring or something."

The old man chuckled lightly: "Little girl, I know what your idea is, do you think I have a baby?

Then you will be disappointed, I am not a baby, but a special magic.

It's okay to talk to you, the world knows that after opening seven or seventy-nine basic divine orifices, you can cultivate a natal divine orifice.

Compared with the basic one, the natal divine orifice will increase its attack power exponentially, and in a sense, it can be regarded as one more life.

Because even if the body is completely destroyed and the divine consciousness is damaged, as long as the natal divine orifice is still there, there is still a chance of survival.

Of course, those who can open forty-nine divine orifices are the pride of heaven, and ordinary people can only stop at 30 divine orifices in their entire life. "

When Yun Chujiu heard this, she felt cold in her heart, not to mention thirty divine orifices, she finally got an eye for herself, and she didn't know if it was divine orifice!

She is so miserable!

Chi Wu and Fei Yi's faces were not very good-looking, they pricked up their ears and listened to the old man to continue.

"The general natal divine orifice has no other purpose other than the soaring attack power and life-saving function, but there are also some special natal divine orifices.

For example, my divine orifice has a storage function, and it is precisely this divine orifice that I rely on. I have passed through these years fairly well, not as embarrassed as others. "

When the old man said this, his tone was a bit proud.

Yun Chujiu's eyes flashed with stars: "Senior, how big is your storage space? Is it a few hundred acres?"

The old man's face became stiff: "No."

"Can there be living things in there?

Is it possible to breed monsters with flowers and plants everywhere inside?

There is even a spirit that manages them? "

The old man almost spit out blood!

This **** girl is deliberately angry with him, isn't it? !

(End of this chapter)

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