Chapter 9541 Donkey

Yun Chujiu walked up to the fragment and said:

"Time is limited, I can only make a long story short.

I'm from Baqi domain, and I'm not in the same group as the monster of complaint.

If you want to regain your freedom, I am your best partner.

You don't need to do anything, as long as I can pick it up and leave the rest to me. "

Seeing that there was no response from the fragment, Yun Chujiu took a deep breath, and was about to reach out for the fragment. When the monster of complaint appeared out of thin air, he said angrily:

"What did you do?! Why did Zhen Qianshui disappear?"

Yun Chu Jiuquan didn't hear it, and reached out to touch the fragment.

She didn't know much about it either, she didn't expect to pick it up easily.

Now the resentment monster and the green little people are all exploded!

"She picked it up! How is this possible?!"

"Let down! You let me down!"

"You lie to us! You liar!"

"Kill her! Kill her!"


Yun Chujiu is quite an idiot: "You should listen to me and finish talking before you start. Anyway, I can't escape, right?!"

Where did the little green people have the intention to listen to her screaming, furious, but the monster of complaining words said: "What do you want to say?"

Yun Chujiu sneered and said, "You haven't figured it out yet? You were not deceived by me, but deceived by heaven!

Unload the mill and kill the donkey, right? You are the donkey in the eyes of God!

Once you really replace the Sha's spiritual wisdom, it is time for Heaven to kill the donkey! "

A few green people suddenly became furious: "You are a donkey, and your whole family is a donkey!"

Yun Chujiu said, do you have a preference for running? ! But it's no wonder that these little green people are just the grievances that Sha had absorbed at the beginning, and even if they had become resentments, their intelligence was limited.

If it were not for limited intelligence, it would not be so easy to fool.

The resentment monster was slightly more intelligent, and the green villain who was spreading the word asked:

"You mean that if we replace Sha's spiritual wisdom, heaven will obliterate us?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Yes, that's what it means! Not only will you be obliterated, but even those recidivists will also be obliterated.

You are just tools. Now that the task is completed, there is no need for it. "

Immediately there was a green little man jumping and saying: "Nonsense! Nonsense! We are not in the way of God, why should he kill us?!"

Yun Chujiu sneered and said: "Why? You shouldn't live in the world at all! Don't forget, you are just grievances, which should have dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Is it possible that you are still naive to think that after you take your place, the way of heaven will let you go out and kill the Quartet and dominate the world?

What is the meaning of Tianlei? It is to obliterate the things that exist against the sky. "

The little green people were a little suspicious: "This is all your guess, there is no evidence at all! You must have said this to get away."

Yun Chujiu sneered again: "Evidence? Is evidence still needed? As long as you have a little brain, you will know if what I said is true.

After you have no use value, what does God keep you for?

Keep it for you to prove how despicable it can get rid of Sha? !

Keep your words for others to speak of the injustice of heaven, and allow evil things like you to cause harm to the world?

So, if you don't obliterate you, is it keeping you for the New Year? ! "

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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