Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9542: Let me help you imagine

Chapter 9542 I will help you imagine

Yun Chujiu's series of rhetorical questions dumbfounded the evil monster and the green little people!

Why does it sound like it makes sense?

Is that really what Tiandao intended?

Yun Chujiu didn't give them time to react, and then said: "Take a thousand steps and say, Tiandao has no plans to kill you for the time being. Have you thought about what it will be like in the future?

Come, let me help you imagine.

When you succeeded in replacing the Sha's spiritual wisdom, you were undoubtedly ecstatic. After all, this was your long-cherished desire, and you also avenged the murderous revenge at that time. "

When the little green people heard this, their faces suddenly smiled, yes, that's what they think!

They all dream of wanting to replace it, shamelessly!

Yun Chujiu glanced at them, and said with a slight mockery:

"After the ecstasy, the most realistic problem emerged.

You have now derived the dominant spiritual intelligence, so is the artifact spirit of this fragment the dominant or each of you resentful?

You might say that you will get along with each other in peace and discuss everything.

I have to be a bad person and tell you bluntly that this is impossible!

You can share adversities, but there is no way to share prosperity. Over time, everyone's selfishness will be exposed.

The leader doesn't want to be checked and balanced by you anymore, and those of you resentful will also feel that why they say nothing? There is bound to be a dispute. "

The face of the monster with the word resentment was a little gloomy, and the faces of the little green people were not very pretty.

Not to mention the future, but now sometimes they will have differences.

To be honest, the little green people regretted that they had spawned a monster of grievance, but there was no way, the only way to replace it.

Yun Chujiu continued: "Once you fight, there will be three results.

Either the dominant spirit will win, or you will win with grievances, and the final result will be that you will be burned and killed at the same time.

I won't talk about the last result, after all, it's literal.

Let me talk about the other two situations.

If the dominant spirit wins with wisdom, it is derived from your grievances. Once you die, its strength will inevitably be greatly lost.

Mo said he has ruled the king, and even leaving here is a problem.

Of course, in fact, I am more optimistic about your grievances to win.

After all, the dominant spiritual wisdom is derived later, it is not your opponents of resentment. "

The little green people suddenly showed complacency when they heard it, that is, they would definitely win!

Yun Chujiu continued: "After you win, there will be another carnival at first, and then you will fall into internal fighting. After all, everyone wants to be the person with the right to speak.

So it was another chaos.

There were two results. One was that because you were of equal strength, all of you died in the end, and this fragment became an unowned thing.

Maybe after countless long years, it will regenerate its spiritual wisdom, or it may just disappear into the world.

Secondly, after a long internal fight, one of you resented to the end.

However, due to internal fighting and excessive consumption, it is estimated that not a million years will be difficult to become a climate, and we can only continue to live in vain here.

Maybe in the process, they will be discovered, even contracted, and completely lost their freedom. "

Those green little people are dumbfounded!

Listening to her, if they insist on replacing Sha's spiritual wisdom, they will end up miserably!

(End of this chapter)

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