Chapter 9550 Drink

The irritable villain blurted out: "Why can you get the broken pieces of Sha?"

Yun Chujiu said that it was estimated that this thing was corroded by poisonous water, so it became lighter.

But he said: "This shows that it recognizes me! Look, even Sha knows that I am the one who can save its destiny. Why do you hesitate?!"

The little green people were immediately convinced by this reason!

The people who are approved by Sha are definitely not ordinary, if so, why not take a gamble.

Of course, there are a few green people who are still unwilling, but the minority obeys the majority and cannot stop it.

Yun Chujiu glanced at the happiest messenger who jumped around, and he has always opposed it.

Hei Xinjiu has always been careful and made a note to the messenger on the black ledger.

However, now is not the time to clean it up, it is important to leave here first, so as not to have many dreams at night.

"Since you are willing to follow me, it shouldn't be too late. Let's leave as soon as possible, lest God will come and make trouble again."

The little green people instantly turned into green mist, enveloped Yun Chujiu, and left the dungeon.

After exiting the dungeon, the messenger frowned and said, "By the way, what about those poisonous water? Where did you get those poisonous water?"

The other green guys just remembered this question, yes, why did those poisonous water disappear out of thin air?

Yun Chujiu said naturally, "I was a bit thirsty just now, so I drank it."

Drink, drink?

Those little green people almost didn't stare out one by one!

That's Zhen Xiaoshui! It is countless times more poisonous than weak water. She actually...did it?

Are you kidding me? !

The whistleblower suddenly questioned: "You lie! Don't say that your flesh and blood body will be corroded even if it is a storage ring, how could you be drunk?"

Yun Chujiu's eyes were cold. She didn't have the time to pay attention to it. Didn't she expect to jump up and down and become addicted?

Without giving it some color, I really thought she was a soft persimmon, just to set the rules to avoid these complaints.

"I said that if I was drunk by me, I was drunk by me, why? Do you have an opinion? Or that you have a deep relationship with the dominant spirit and want to avenge it, so you are targeting me everywhere?"

"I do not have……"

"The explanation is to cover up. You don't need to say anything anymore. You are clearly in the same group as the dominant spiritual intelligence. Now that the big guy is about to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, I am unbalanced in my heart and want to make things worse, right?"

"I'm not……"

"What are you not? You are just uneasy and kind. Fortunately, your companions did not exclude you because you are close to the dominant spiritual intelligence. I didn't expect you to hide evil intentions..."

Before Yun Chujiu finished speaking, the irritable villain said angrily: "Oh, you traitor! I just looked at other things, but forgot to settle the account with you!

You followed the white-eyed wolf and used to domineering, thinking you are superior, bah!

Now that you are losing power, just feel a little bit more obedient, and even jump up and down to provoke discord. It's really impossible to kill! "

The other green villains were also filled with righteous indignation, yelling and killing.

The whisperer can't argue with a hundred words. It originally thought it was eloquent, but today it knows what real eloquence is.

Seeing the killing intent in the eyes of those resentment, regretted it.

Knowing this long ago, it shouldn't have come out of it.

It is also doing this to gain a foothold. After all, it used to be too close to the dominant spiritual wisdom. If it doesn't do something, it will definitely be excluded.

I didn't think that in the end I shot myself in the foot with a rock, and today I must be inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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