Chapter 9551

Just when it thought it would definitely die today, Yun Chujiu sighed:

"Forget it, don't always shout and scream. You have already killed many of your companions in the previous dispute. I really can't bear to see some casualties again."

The grumpy villain yelled: "Then spare it like that? It's too cheap! What if it spoils it again?"

The spreader hurriedly vowed to make a vow that he would change his past mistakes, and would not make any more mistakes.

It knows that no amount of explanation is useful now, it is better to plead guilty first to save its life.

Yun Chujiu helped to say a few more words, and the irritable villain said reluctantly:

"Since you are begging for it, then forgive it this time, if there is another time, you must kill it!"

The storytelling villain only breathed a sigh of relief, and saw Yun Chujiu's smiling but non-smiling expression, his heart suddenly burst.

It is smarter than other grievances, and suddenly understood one thing, this little girl is a black heart!

If you want to survive, it's better to follow her in the future, otherwise she can kill it with just a few words.

Yun Chujiu raised his head and looked at the sky. He didn't see the trail of dark clouds. She was puzzled. She took out the broken pieces of Sha by law. Heaven should let Wu Yun come and clean her. Why didn't she move?

It doesn't matter, it's important to meet Chiwu first.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Chujiu discovered that even though the Sanshiya Cliff had collapsed, those grievances still couldn't leave the scope of the Sanshiya Cliff.

Now those resentments are dumbfounded!

After finally making up my mind to pursue a new life, I did not expect to stumble upon the first step. What can I do?

Yun Chujiu glanced at the fragments he was holding, and said, "Since Sha's fragments are not restricted, it is better for you to enter the fragments and try."

The little green people had to follow her instructions and entered the fragments of Sha.

Of course, from the outside of the fragment, there is no trace at all.

Yun Chujiu took a few steps forward, nothing unusual, and then left Sanshiya.

At this time, she heard a twittering voice from the fragments in her hand:

"Finally left that ghost place! After millions of years, we finally came out!"

"Yeah, it's not easy! We all blame the white-eyed wolf, if it weren't for it, maybe we would have come out long ago."

"Little girl, where are we going now?"


Yun Chujiu felt that they were noisier than five hundred ducks, so he had to think of a way to do it. Otherwise, these things would be screaming, which would easily cause trouble.

It's best to put the fragments of Sha into the storage ring so that it stops.

It's a pity that she tried it before, but she couldn't put in the storage ring.

She had no choice but to use words to deceive and threaten, finally letting the little green people stop temporarily.

At this time, in the dungeon, Chi Wu kept chanting in his heart:

My little sister, my dear little sister, come back soon! If you don't come back, the monster with many eyes has to eat me!

Chi Wu really wasn't an unreasonable worry, the multi-eyed grieving beast was quite gone at first.

But with the passage of time, Yun Chujiu has not returned, and his mind has become a little more active.

Those grievances are not easy to provoke, the devil head is not trapped there and can't get out, right?

If she can't get out all the time, then she won't pose any threat to it, so why don't she solve the greedy first?

This short fat man has big ears, and it must taste good.

(End of this chapter)

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