Chapter 9552, you can install it

Chi Wu was frightened when he saw the salivation from the more than a dozen eyes of Duyan Beast.

He had no other way to survive except to pray for Yun Chujiu to come back soon.

The old man turned a blind eye to this and looked at the script that Yun Chujiu gave him with relish.

I don’t know about other things. The technology of the script is now obviously more advanced than before!

Not to mention anything else, this illustration is much more exquisite than before!

As for whether Yun Chujiu could come back alive, he wasn't particularly concerned.

Because he felt that Yun Chujiu couldn't come back nine out of ten, he would definitely die there.

Blame the little girl for not listening to persuasion, young people nowadays are really overwhelmed!

"Senior, I'm back! Quickly let me in!"

The old man trembled with his magical hand, and the words fell to the ground. He didn't hear it, right?

"Little sister! It's my little sister! Senior, come on, get my little sister in! She's back!" Chi Wu shouted with excitement.

The old man settled down, and then Yun Chujiu got in.

Chi Wu immediately greeted him with excitement: "Little sister, you are finally back! Second brother, I am so worried!"

Fei Yi was also very excited. After looking at Yun Chujiu a few times, he was relieved to see that she was not injured.

The multi-eyed resent beast felt that he should also show it, so he twisted and twisted to Yun Chujiu's front: "Master, you are back? You don't know how worried I am about you!

If you don’t come back, I’ll go to you..."

When Multi-Eyed Resent Beast was showing his loyalty, he suddenly uttered a cry of fright and jumped out several feet away.

It's also difficult for it to be a resentful beast without legs, it suddenly jumped out so far, this is completely extraordinary!

"Master, me, how did I smell the resentful soul, the smell of resentment he said?"

The Multi-Eyed Resent Beast was really scared this time, it was really a shadow of the previous events.

The seventeen resentful beasts were instantly swallowed by the resentful monsters composed of resentful evil, can it not be afraid? !

Yun Chujiu didn't want to hide from the multi-eyed grieving beast. Just when he was about to explain it with his spiritual sense, the old man spoke:

"Little girl, it seems that I underestimated you. You are really a hero!

Unexpectedly, you escaped from the evil man again, this time you finally gave up, right?

Take them out of here quickly, so as not to regret it. "

The old man thought that after Yun Chujiu returned to Sanshiya, he encountered resentment again, and after some difficult dealings, he was able to get away.

Before Yun Chujiu spoke, Chi Wu said hurriedly: "Little sister, what the senior said is right, let's go quickly!"

He actually wanted to add one more sentence, don't take out that multi-eyed resentful beast, that thing is too dangerous!

Thinking of the Multi-Eyed Beast, he realized that the Multi-Eyed Beast had shrunk to the corner of the wall without knowing when it was shivering like a small leaf in the wind.

Chi Wu cursed inwardly, pooh! Just pretend!

Obviously, I thought about eating me before, but now it's acting.

If circumstances permit, Yun Chujiu really wants to sell Guanzi, but now that time is limited, she took out the fragments of Sha and said:

"Senior, I have gotten the fragments of Sha, I will try now to see if I can cut the chain of the gods."

The little green people were suffocated. Hearing Yun Chujiu's mention of the chain of gods, he immediately began to twitter.

"Chain of the gods? It's like cutting winter melon. What's so difficult."

"Yes, I think we followed the shackles to chop a part of the **** chain as a dog chain."


(End of this chapter)

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