Chapter 9556 Outlet Sickness

The multi-eyed Beast almost fainted!

It then realized afterwards that there was still a grievance in the sha fragments!

It cried and said, "Master, let me go! They are going to eat me!"

Yun Chujiu's divine consciousness moved, and the multi-eyed resentful beast left the animal bag.

The multi-eyed complaining beast can't care about being ashamed, and crying out of breath:

"Master, they want to eat me! I don't want to go in anymore, you get me a separate animal bag, I want to be with Ergouzi and them."

Er Gouzi suddenly refused mercilessly!

"I don't want to live with your multi-eyed monster. Besides, I am a beast bag and not a beast bag. You can't get in!

You can live with the one claw, and it will also attack with consciousness, and so will you. You can play together! "

Duclaw almost died of anger!

This dead dog is not just bad!

If you don't want to be with the hornet's nest, just say yours, why are you pulling me up? !

If you don’t want it, am I willing? !

It hurriedly said: "Master, you will get another animal bag for it alone. I don't want to be with it anyway."

The multi-eyed resentful beast was so angry that one or two of them disliked it. I really don't know what to do!

If it weren't for fear of those resentful beasts, it wouldn't want to live with them!

Yun Chujiu was about to get a separate beast bag with the multi-eyed resentful beast. The old man asked, "Why did you release this multi-eyed monster?

Put it away quickly! "

The multi-eyed resentful beast stared at the old man fiercely, relying on this dead old man!

If it were not for his bad idea, the devil would never let it do such a dangerous thing.

Yun Chujiu said in surprise: "Senior, this, why is this?"

"I told you just now that the reason why I can put the fragments of Sha into the animal bag is because of the resentment of this strange eye.

If it leaves the animal bag for too long, the animal bag will not be able to withstand the laws of heaven and earth and will explode directly. "The old man explained.

Yun Chujiu was shocked, and quickly put the multi-eyed resentful beast into the animal bag.

The multi-eyed resent beast only let out a scream in time, and was taken into the animal bag.

As soon as it entered, it heard the little green people chattering:

"Yeah? Didn't you escape? Why did you come back again? Does the little girl think you are useless and just feed us?"

"That is, what's so rare about a grievance-breaking beast? It's your honor to let us eat it."

"How boring you are to be alone, how nice it is to die!"


The multi-eyed resentful beast almost died of anger!

However, it did not dare to be an enemy of the little green people. Besides, the little green people could not understand what it said.

It had to cry and begged Yun Chujiu, how miserable it was.

Yun Chujiu had some headaches, and she was also a little worried that those resentments would be maddening. What if she really eats the multi-eyed resentful beast?

The old man saw her worry and said with a smile: "Don't worry, after leaving Sanshiya, those resentments should only be trapped in the fragments of Sha, they can't come out.

Otherwise, because of their temperament, they have long been drilled out, and can they stop like this? ! "

Yun Chujiu patted his forehead, didn't he? !

Those grievances are not fuel-efficient lamps. If it weren't for not being able to come out, they would have come out to show off, how can they be so honest? !

The multi-eyed resentful beast also heard the old man's words, which was relieved.

Then it became proud.

It turned out to be a paper tiger!

Dare to love is a false alarm!

Former hatred surged into my heart, and it decided to vent its anger.

(End of this chapter)

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