Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9557: A blessing in disguise

Chapter 9557 A blessing in disguise

The multi-eyed resentful beast yelled at those resentments:

"Want to eat me? Go dreaming! I'm pooh! A group of old immortal, just kill me, why are you still alive?!"

"Come out, you can come out!"

"By the way, there are some things I wanted to say a long time ago, but I haven't found a chance.

Look at your colors, tusk, it's the color of a green hat!

Presumably you are mad at death, right? ! "


Those little green people will be mad!

Especially the last few sentences are going to blow up the popularity!

It's a pity that they were trapped in the fragments of Sha and couldn't get out, so they had to yell at the multi-eyed resentful beast, how ugly and ugly.

Multi-eyed resentful beasts don't take it seriously. When those repeat offenders go crazy, they will talk endlessly and yell at them. They are used to it.

What made it even more pleasantly surprised was that as the resentment yelled at it, there were even strands of resentment spilling out. Although not many, there were enough eyes of the resentful beast.

It hurriedly leaned over, and immediately couldn't help it after inhaling it, because this grievance was much purer than those repeat offenders!

It only took a few puffs, and it grew an eye.

Hey, it's a blessing in disguise!

In the future, as long as it is angry with these grievances, it will have grievances. Is there such a good thing in the world? !

Thank God, thank you, thank you devil, thank you dead old man!

Yun Chujiu also noticed this scene, of course, because the fragments of Sha were collected into the animal bag, she couldn't hear those complaints.

In the same way, those resentful do not know what is happening outside, nor can they hear outside sounds.

But Yun Chujiu heard the words of the multi-eyed complaining beast curse. The reason she didn't stop it was to give those complaints a little bitterness, lest they were too mad.

She even silently gave Multi-Eyed Resent Beast a compliment. The angle of this curse is very strange!

Only the later resentment was overflowing and it was beyond her expectation. She was afraid of something wrong, and hurriedly told the old man.

The old man comforted: "This is also normal, after all, the Sha's fragments are incomplete, and they have been trapped for so long, so they are not stable.

Resentment is trapped inside, and will be affected by it, and a small amount of resentment will overflow.

But it's okay, only a small part of the spillage will not have much impact, but it's cheaper than the odd eye.

Well, time is urgent, I'll still strip out the core of the divine orifice first, so as not to have many nights and dreams.

You prepare the storage ring to hold the core of my divine orifice. "

Yun Chujiu felt a little unsure: "Senior, your divine orifice core is not a dead thing, and I haven't made a contract with you. Can I take it in?"

"The core of the divine aperture is very special, as long as I don't resist, you can take it in."

Yun Chujiu remembered another thing, and said hurriedly: "Then after I take you in, can we still communicate?"

"Since the storage ring belongs to you, then we can communicate. As long as you put your divine sense into it, we can communicate.

However, during the first period of separation, my spiritual consciousness was relatively weak, so it is best not to disturb me. "The old man said.

The old man started stripping the core of the divine orifice after speaking. It seemed to be strenuous, and he couldn't finish it for a while. Chi Wu came over and said diligently:

"Sister, are you hungry? I have barbecue here. Would you like to eat?"

Yun Chujiu was really hungry, but didn't want to eat barbecue.

There are a lot of delicious foods in her storage ring, and since they have been exposed so much, there is no need to cover them.

So, he took out three plates of dumplings and greeted Chi Wu and Fei Yi to eat together.

Continue tomorrow at nine o'clock, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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