Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9558: Can't afford to climb

Chapter 9558 can't afford to climb

Chi Wu and Fei Yi were stunned, but they still started to eat.

Chi Wu didn't use chopsticks at all. He grabbed it with his hands and took one bite. In a flash, a plate of dumplings was gone.

Upon seeing this, Yun Chujiu took out two more plates of dumplings and motioned to open up to eat.

Chi Wu is not welcome. He ate another plate of dumplings, and then wiped his mouth: "Although the chaos is a little bit worse, it is quite delicious. I have not eaten dumplings in a long time."

After that, he said with a smiley face: "Sister, you must have other delicious foods, right? Bring out some more, such as fruit, let me slip through."

Yun Chujiu had to take out another plate of fruit, Chi Wu grabbed one, and it was just a bite.

"It's so sweet! I think I am so happy now, it has been a long time since I have eaten the delicious fruit here!"

Fei Yi didn't speak much, but he ate no less than Chiwu. He also ate two plates of dumplings and was eating with a fruit.

Yun Chujiu watched the old man's movements while eating the fruit.

The old man's face was pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his body trembled slightly, so that the chains of the gods also trembled slightly.

She said to her heart, it seems that stripping the core of the divine orifice is not an ordinary effort!

She suddenly thought of the eye she had drilled, and now she was not sure whether the thing was a magic or not, let alone whether there was a magic core or not.

Alas, after spending a long time, she might still be able to understand the nine orifices, um, know nothing.

When she was thinking about it, a ball of light flew out of the old man's eyebrows. Yun Chujiu quickly moved his consciousness and put it into the storage ring.

She first glanced at the old man curiously. The old man did not look much different from before. If you look closely, you will find that the old man's eyes are a little stiff.

However, this should also be able to hide from others, after all, after such a long period of time, it is normal to be a little bit dull.

She pierced the divine sense into the storage ring, and took a closer look. The light group had dimmed a lot, just like a reduced version of the old man.

She tentatively said with her spiritual sense: "Senior, are you okay?"

The old man's voice was extremely weak: "Nothing, leave here now."

Yun Chujiu then realized a question later, how could she get out?

The old man was dumbfounded!

He just took care of stripping off the core of the divine orifice, but forgot about it.

The old man had no choice but to say: "You let the multi-eyed monsters ask those grievances, they may have a way out.

After listening to Yun Chujiu's words, the multi-eyed resent beast was embarrassed!

It just screamed at those resentments, they want to tear it up now, can they take care of it?

It bit the bullet and said the matter, and it really got a burst of cynicism with those resentments.

In the end, those grievances made it kneel on the ground and knocked its head for eighteen times, which taught it a secret technique.

The multi-eyed resent beast was so busy that Yun Chujiu released it out of the animal bag, then turned his body into mist, enveloped the three of Yun Chujiu in it, and then performed the secret techniques taught to it by the resentment.

Not to mention, actually left the dungeon smoothly.

The Multi-Eyed Hustle Beast was very proud, and when he was about to scream, Yun Chujiu took back the animal bag.

No way, it can't leave the animal bag for too long, otherwise the animal bag will burst.

However, this does not prevent it from crying.

Anyway, as long as it speaks with divine consciousness, Ergouzi and Duclaw can hear it.

"Huh, did you see it? What is strength? What is hidden, I am!

Are you still unwilling to live with me? I bother!

You used to ignore me, but now you can't afford it! "

(End of this chapter)

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