Chapter 9566 is difficult

The spirits are in a triangle!

This stinky girl is too annoying!

It doesn't understand. It clearly proposed this assessment, and here is also its site. Let's get it around, but it was led by the nose?

Where did it go wrong?

It's excited, yes, this is its place, why does it follow the train of thought of the stinky girl? !

Is she wrong when she says the title is wrong? She said that if it is struck by lightning, it is struck by lightning?

Are you kidding me? !

This is underground. Even if it is struck by lightning, the Tempering Hall above is struck by lightning. !

Thinking about it this way, Qi Ling immediately gained confidence!

"Little girl, don't forget, I'm the one here! If you don't participate in the second round of assessment, you will give up by default.

Either guard the secret for me or I kill you! "

"All right, you kill me! I have enough alive anyway!" Yun Chujiu said lightly.

Qi Ling: "..."

"Do you think I dare not kill you, so I feel confident?"

Yun Chujiu bared her little white tooth: "No, you kill me! Kill now, it won't be new when it is late!"

Qi Ling was almost mad!

It wants to kill Yun Chujiu, but it has been suppressed by Jingling in these years. There are only a few methods it can use. Turning off the small black room, burning it with fire, smoking with poisonous gas, it is probably nothing to this stinky girl. use.

Finally, it wants to understand. If you can't deal with it, don't embarrass yourself. It's not that she has to. When someone comes down, it just re-elects and chooses the individual.

Of course, this is a bit of no face, so it decided to make Yun Chujiu feel uncomfortable.

"Kill you? I don't want to dirty my hands.

If you act recklessly like this, you will lose yourself.

You won't get these valuable ancient books, these herbs that are hard to buy!

Originally you had a chance to soar into the sky, but now because of your own stupidity, you are disqualified.

You can go now, but you will live in regret for the rest of your life because you have lost a great opportunity. "Qi Ling said wryly.

It feels that Yun Chujiu will definitely show a look of remorse, and maybe he will take the initiative to ask for the second round of assessment, this time it will have to make her swear a poisonous oath to prevent her from making any more moths.

When it was secretly proud, it heard Yun Chujiu say indifferently:

"Not just a few broken books, a few broken medicinal plants?! What's so rare?!

Since you are so important, then you can sleep with them here!

Tsk tsk, maybe it takes a long time, there are still some that can be refined!

Then you will not be alone and cold!

By the way, since Boundary Spirits could be born here before, maybe they will be born again in the future, then you will repeat the old ways and be miserably bullied!

By the way, look at your image, I haven't seen a triangular alchemy furnace yet!

I think you don’t call it Chaos Open Heaven Furnace, just change the name to Sugar Triangle! "

Qi Ling is going crazy!

Why did it become a sugar triangle? Bah, what a sugar triangle, and why it became a triangle? You are not angry!

It really couldn't bear it, and gritted its teeth and said: "Go away, get out of here!"

Yun Chujiu took out a spar and threw it up and down: "If you let me go, I will go. That's so shameless!

Beating children on rainy days, idle is idle, come and chat with me about a spar! "

Qi Ling almost shut himself up!

This really complied with that sentence, it is easy to ask God to send it to God, this stinky girl is really too difficult!

(End of this chapter)

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