Chapter 9567 is not like myself anymore

Qi Ling decided not to pay attention to Yun Chujiu. After a long time, she naturally left.

Humph, see who can consume it!

She couldn't break its barrier anyway, so she couldn't come in and make trouble.

Thinking of this, Qi Ling hid his figure and didn't say a word.

It felt that Yun Chujiu would definitely be hairy, but it saw Yun Chujiu yawn and took out the recliner and started to take a rest.

Qi Ling comforted herself, she must be pretending to be asleep, how big is her heart, can she still fall asleep at this time? !

However, the next moment, it found itself wrong!

The smelly girl actually fell asleep!

It suddenly became furious, and a raging fire ignited around Yun Chujiu.

However, those flames had no influence on Yun Chujiu.

Qi Ling then realized it later that this stinky girl is not afraid of fire at all, she is also confused!

Poison is definitely not good, because the smelly girl took the medicine paste as the tea noodles and there was nothing unusual.

It happened that it allowed Yun Chujiu to enter the first level of enchantment. This level of enchantment is somewhat special. Although it can put people in, it can't get them out.

The more Qi Ling thought about it, the more angry he became, and when he thought about what happened to it, his resentment suddenly rose.

At this moment, it only felt that something rushed towards it.

It didn't react at all and was bitten.

It couldn't help but screamed, and its hidden figure was forced to show up.

Only then did it see that it was a monster biting itself.

The head is the size of a millstone, with more than ten eyes growing on it, and the body is slender like a snake, with a large fluffy tail.

What's even weirder is that the thing appears from time to time, and I don't know what it is.

What frightened the spirit was that it couldn't get rid of the monster. Under the bite of the monster, it felt a bit, um, how to say it, as if it didn't look like itself anymore.

Although this is a bit confusing, it is the real situation now.

Specifically, it feels that its thoughts seem to have changed a little. For example, it was bitter and bitter and hated that everyone would suffer along with it.

But now, even though it feels miserable, it doesn't resent other people aside from the culprit.

In short, it seems to want to open.

Although this change is not bad, the unknown is always frightening, and it tries its best to avoid the monster's bite.

In the end, it managed to hide in the second level of enchantment, and then it was considered free from the monster.

The Multi-Eyed Resent Beast looked at Qi Ling for more than a dozen eyes, but there was still a lot of resentment on its body, why did it run away? Really uninteresting!

However, it should have done something again this time!

Duzhao and Ergouzi are going to be sour again!

I have to say that this kind of happiness based on their pain is really wonderful!

When it was proud, Yun Chujiu put it in the animal bag again.

It suddenly stunned its head, but it's a pity that a hero like it can only hide in the animal bag to look after the evil spirits. It's really awkward!

After Yun Chujiu put away the multi-eyed resentful beast, he looked at the artifact spirit in the second level of enchantment.

Qi Ling was shaking left and right at this time, probably checking his body.

Yun Chujiu's eyes turned and he had an idea. It is estimated that this spirit is not aware of the existence of the resentful beast, so he can appeal to it.

She laughed so sinisterly: "Don't waste your time, as long as you are bitten by it, both humans and spirits will be poisoned.

This poison is very special, not against the body, but against the consciousness.

If I guessed correctly, you have noticed something wrong, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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