Chapter 9568 Fracture

Qi Ling's heart suddenly sank, and of course it sensed something was wrong, because it didn't feel like it anymore!

Is it really poisoned?

I haven't heard that Qi Ling can also be poisoned, maybe this smelly girl is cheating on it.

But, seeing what she said is decent, is it true? It's better to try it out.

It didn't want to be seen by Yun Chujiu, and pretended to be calm and said: "You don't want to be alarmist here. I didn't notice anything abnormal."

Yun Chujiu stretched his hands and said, "Well, since you don't feel any abnormalities, then I have nothing to say!

I wanted to play with you here for a few days, but suddenly I remembered that there is still something to do, so I won't stay longer, see you! "

Yun Chujiu said that he was leaving, Qi Ling looked anxious!

"Wait a minute! You haven't made it clear yet, what will happen if you are poisoned?"

"You are not poisoned, what do you ask these for?!

However, we can also be regarded as acquaintance, and there is no harm in solving your puzzles.

If it is poisoned, there is not much abnormality at first, but I feel that my thoughts are different from before.

But as time goes by, the divine consciousness will become more and more dull, and eventually it will be either silly or crazy.

Of course, this is nothing compared to poison or something. After all, it's just a fool or a madman without death, right? "

Qi Ling is angry and scared, to a fart!

If you become a madman or a fool, you might as well die!

"Then, how do you detoxify?"

"Detoxification is difficult, and it is also quite difficult, because I am the only one in this world who can detoxify.

Okay, you are not poisoned. What is the use of asking? !

I still have business, goodbye! "

Yun Chujiu stepped out of the enchantment as he spoke, and hurried up the steps, without any muddling.

Qi Ling completely believed her words now!

If the smelly girl lied to it, he should deliberately spend time, and shouldn't leave so simply.

So, is it really poisoned?

I don't know if it is a psychological effect. It feels that there is a real problem with its spiritual consciousness. Otherwise, why is it not very bright in its brain and does not know what to do next?

However, it is clear that it is absolutely not allowed to let the smelly girl leave, she has to detoxify herself.


Yun Chujiu continued to go up too as if he hadn't heard.

Qi Ling had no choice but to perform a trick, the steps changed, and Yun Chujiu reappeared outside the first level of enchantment.

"You come in! I have something to ask you!"

Yun Chujiu hugged her shoulders and tiptoes: "You are really interesting. It is you who let me go, and you who will not let me go.

What do you want to do? Just talk about it here, I don't bother to go in. "

Qi Ling spoke for a long time before squeezing out a word: "Detoxify me!"

"Huh? Didn't you just say that you were not poisoned? Why did you let me detoxify you?

Detoxification works for you, after all, saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level float, but there is no reason to do nothing, you have to pay! "Yun Chujiu said.

This is a real embarrassment!

There are only ancient books, herbs and immortals, but no spar.

It had to be weak and weak: "Are ancient books, medicinal herbs, or medicinal pills good? These things can be sold for money out!"

Yun Chujiu reluctantly said: "Okay, we are also acquaintances, and I won't ask you too much.

I'll give you a discount for broken bones. Give me 10,000 ancient books and 10,000 bottles of pills! "

Qi Ling: I want to break you!

(End of this chapter)

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