Chapter 9570 I fight you

Yun Chujiu's spirit pets immediately lit a big candle soaring to the sky for Qi Ling. I have seen someone stupid, and this is the first time I have seen such a stupid one!

You took out the body, and she also said that the drug introduction is her blood, which clearly shows that she wants to contract you!

By then it won't be ten thousand books. Those ancient books and herbs will be hers!

Of course, these stupid cutes certainly don't remind the spirits, and they want to watch a good show!

Even if its IQ is collected, it will not pose any threat to them. If nothing happens, it can help them refine some pill, it is profitable and harmless!

Qi Ling didn't know anything about it, and kept urging Yun Chujiu to help it detoxify it quickly, for fear that it would become a fool or a lunatic after a while.

Yun Chujiu pretended to take out some medicinal powder, and slowly smeared it on the broken jar.

Qi Ling questioned: "What are you doing? Didn't you let me take the pill? Why do I apply it on my body?"

"I told you before that this is a permanent cure.

If you feel that this is not possible, then I can also follow your instructions and let you take the pill. "Yun Chujiu said lightly.

Qi Ling choked: "Then, didn't you mean to use your blood? Why didn't you bleed yourself? Are you going to cut corners?"

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes: "I haven't reached that point yet, what's the hurry?! Don't worry, I have always been a young man in business and will not lie to you."

Qi Ling had to wait patiently, not knowing whether it was a psychological effect, it felt as if it had some effect, it had recovered its previous state, and felt that nothing was pleasing to the eye.

Just when Qi Ling's patience was about to run out, Yun Chujiu pierced his fingertips and dropped a drop of blood on the broken jar.

At the same time, the multi-eyed resentful beast was let out by her, and it turned its head straight.

Qi Ling was immediately scared!

Avoiding like a headless fly, Yun Chujiu can't be taken care of.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yun Chujiu began to contract the broken jar.

She didn't know much in her heart, and she didn't know if the previous contract method was of any use to this broken jar?

Tried it again, no response.

She had to repeat it again, still no response.

At this time, Qi Ling finally got rid of the multi-eyed resentful beast temporarily.

In fact, the multi-eyed grievance beast can only swallow grievances, and can cause no harm to it at all. Unfortunately, Qi Ling only vaguely realized this at this time.

It didn't even make sense, and I saw Yun Chujiu in Jieyin.

No matter how dull it was, it could see Yun Chujiu's evil intentions, and it was immediately furious:

"Stop! What are you doing?!"

In a hurry, it didn't care much about resenting the beast, and rushed towards Yun Chujiu.

Naturally, Yun Chujiu would not be stupid and be beaten in place, and flashed to the side lightly.

Qi Ling tried too hard and didn't pounce on Yun Chujiu, but pounced on the broken jar.

Then, Yun Chujiu heard a click, and the broken jar broke into two halves.

The scene suddenly fell into a dead silence, and then came the stern voice of the spirit:

"Smelly girl, I played with you!"

Yun Chujiu explained while hiding: "This is really not bad for me, you hit it yourself! If you blame it, you are too fat, you should lose weight!"

Qi Ling is almost mad!

It's so stupid!

It is to lead the wolf into the room!

It has only one thought now, that is to kill Yun Chujiu!

However, there are only a few methods, and it is not easy to use in the first level of enchantment.

What's more, Yun Chujiu also released big flowers and dog's tail grass, which can't even touch Yun Chujiu's hair.

(End of this chapter)

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