Chapter 9571 Do you believe it

Yun Chujiu cried while hiding:

"You all said that this is part of your ontology, which means it is not complete in the first place, so if it is broken, it is broken. As for such a fuss?"

The Qi was so angry that he couldn't even sustain the sugar triangle, looking like a dagger.

"You're a **** who can't talk while standing!

Part of the body is true, but it does not mean that you can break it, so that I helped you save the fat man before. How did you repay me? ! "

Compared to Qi Ling's anger and depravity, Yun Chujiu said in a calm manner: "First, I didn't break the broken jar, but you broke it yourself.

Second, you didn't help Chiwu at the beginning, but wanted us to help you deal with Jingling. At most, we are a cooperative relationship. Don't call yourself so noble.

Third, look at you alive and kicking, presumably the poison has been solved, it's time for you to fulfill your promise.

Hurry up and open the prohibition on ancient books, otherwise I will be rude to you! "

Qi Ling is about to smoke!

"You dare to threaten me?! Why are you polite? Don't forget, this is my place!

Also, I have already seen through your previous tricks, and that multi-eyed monster can't do anything to me. "

"Oh, you're quite smart, you can see it? You should thank me. If I hadn't let out a hornet's nest to help you absorb grievances, maybe you would have become a grudge now!"

Qi Ling immediately retorted: "I'm not a woman, even if I'm a resentful man!"

After that, I felt something was wrong, and said angrily: "You don't make any fuss, I will ask you, why are you being polite?"

Yun Chujiu smiled with curvy eyebrows: "I can't do anything about it, just to let you feel the sourness of thunder."

Qi Ling was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Thunderstrike is so sour? You take yourself too seriously, is it possible that you can still command the dark clouds?

Even if you really have this ability, I'm underground, with the Tempering Hall above it, and I can't even cut me. "

Yun Chujiu raised his right hand, and a small string of lightning struck the open space in front of him, making Qi Ling scream.

However, it quickly calmed down, and said contemptuously: "Such a weak sky thunder is useless to me, and you look down on yourself too much!"

"This is just an appetizer, I still have a big move!

Do you know Sha? "

"What do you know? What do you ask me to know? I know a lot! You yellow-haired girl, who do you look down on!" Qi Ling said in annoyance.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

"I'm asking if you know Sha? Emperor Mo's weapon."

Not sure if it was an illusion, Yun Chujiu felt Qi Ling shiver.

Qi Ling suddenly raised the volume: "You know what, what if you don't know?"

When Yun Chujiu heard it say that, he knew that he must know Sha, and there should be some overlaps, which is easy to handle.

"If you know Sha, then you should know that a fragment of Sha was crushed on Sanshiya.

I went for a walk a few days ago and accidentally brought out the broken pieces of Sha.

You said that if I took out the fragments of Sha now, would the dark clouds hack this place desperately?

Although it is blocked by the Quenching Hall above, it will not last long, right?

Tsk tsk, then you will be able to feel the sourness of the thunder cleavage, I think you will like it very much. "

Qi Ling was frightened at first, and then felt that Yun Chujiu was bragging.

"You said that there are shards of evil, there are shards of evil? I also said I have Emperor Mo's alchemy furnace, do you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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