Chapter 9596 Xin Lei

The multi-eyed resent beast dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, so he had no choice but to anger those resentful evil.

Anyway, those grievances couldn't come out of the fragments of the evil. It didn't have any psychological burden to scold it.

Those resentments were naturally unwilling to show weakness and began to curse, and the two sides set off a new round of curse war.

The multi-eyed grieving beast was not inferior to the crowd with one enemy. I have to say that this guy has an extraordinary ability to curse.

After Yun Chujiu refused to blame the beast with many eyes, he thought of the old man in Sanshiya, and he didn't know how he recovered.

She put her spiritual sense into the storage ring, and as soon as she got in, she was noticed by the old man.

"What's the matter?"

Yun Chujiu couldn't say that he was idle and okay, so he had to find a reason: "Senior, I am going to participate in the Wanfa Festival in a few days, have you participated in it before?"

"Ten Thousand Dharma Festival? I haven't heard of it. It is estimated that it was brought out by the later boys.

However, this grand meeting of ten thousand dharma should not be in the Buddha prison, right? "The old man asked.

"Well, it's in Hongmeng Realm. Hongmeng Realm is where you lived before, right?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to return to the Hongmeng Realm in my lifetime.

Alas, it’s a pity, it’s been too long, my confidantes must have passed away, or else they can continue their lead. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

You have become such a bear, and still wondering about these wind and snow?

clothes! Uppercase service!

She rolled her eyes and said, "Senior, although your confidantes have passed away, they must have descendants. Why don't you tell me their names and I will help you contact them.

Maybe they have a last word left, maybe there are tokens and letters. "

The old man sighed: "Forget it, the Sri Lankan has passed away, these are just passing by, there is no need to persist.

When I find the opportunity to reshape my body, I will naturally have a new fate. I am the most free and easy person, and I can see it. "

Yun Chujiu said in heart, you are not called free and easy, you are called... Huaxin Big Carrot!

"Senior, I haven't asked your name, Gao, how do you call it?"

The old man was silent for a moment before he said: "It's been too long, I will forget it myself, little girl, remember, the old man's name is Xin Lei."

Yun Chujiu was taken aback for a moment: "Tired? What do you call such a hard name?"

Old man: "..."

After the old man explained it, Yun Chujiu nodded: "It turned out to be these two words, but the tears flowed through the tears, and it's not festive. What is your name?"

The old man was angry and funny. His father took it for him. Which name does he call this? !

The old man was a little impatient: "I haven't recovered my consciousness, do you have anything else?"

Yun Chujiu hurriedly asked, "Have you heard of the Huaqiao Pill and the Core of the Sea of ​​Consciousness?"

"I haven't heard, what is this?"

After hearing Yun Chujiu's explanation, the old man was silent for a moment:

"There is some basis for the formulation of the core of the sea of ​​knowledge, but I am not proficient in a combination of pill, so it is not easy to judge whether there will be a Huaqiao Pill."

Speaking of this, the old man sighed with emotion: "It seems we can't underestimate the newcomers, there are still some talents."

"That is, for example, I am an excellent person who cannot be better.

Senior Xin, you have to cultivate me well, and you have to rely on me to help you find the chance to reshape your body! "Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

Old man: "..."

I don't know if you are excellent or not, you have a thick skin!

(End of this chapter)

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