Chapter 9597 leaves

While being speechless, the old man said: "This time is a great opportunity. After leaving the Buddha Prison, don't come back.

The Hongmeng Realm is of great benefit to your cultivation. If you say one thousand things and ten thousand, the cultivation base is fundamental. Why is it useless if you don't cultivate.

By the way, you said last time that you opened fifteen orifices, but have you opened it again recently? "

Yun Chujiu said in his heart, fifteen? I only opened one, still drilling my own eyes.

Maybe even this is not magical.

Forget it, don't tell the truth, otherwise it would be bad if the old man did something extreme in despair.

Therefore, she said without conscience: "The sixteenth divine orifice will be opened soon, and it is estimated that it will be opened in Hongmeng Realm."

"The speed of your cultivation is also unsatisfactory. After all, this place is no better than Hongmeng Realm.

After you have opened the Eighteen Auras, "Then you can teach it to me now, I will preview it in advance."

"I'm tired, besides, the number of divine orifices is not enough and I can't practice, you can withdraw!"

The old man ignored Yun Chujiu after speaking.

Yun Chujiu cursed secretly in his heart, retreat? Do you still have a high position? !

However, this product has always been very tolerant of people who are worthy of use, so it quickly adjusted its mentality, and when the consciousness withdrew, it said:

"Senior Xin, take a good rest, and I will see you later."

When she withdrew her consciousness, she curled her lips: "Bah! What the hell!"

Ergouzi in the spirit beast bag said busyly:

"Little fairy, you are really a typical disagreement, two-sidedness, insincere words, duplicity, and violation of positivity. You are really getting worse and worse!

However, I just like your badness, your badness is really different..."

Yun Chujiu has only one word for this: "Go!"

Er Gouzi suddenly said: "Comfortable, it's so comfortable! Little fairy, you can scold me a few more words!"

Yun Chujiu knew its virtues and was too lazy to pay attention to it, took out the waist card borrowed from Huan Jiang, and watched it carefully.

She asked about the difference between Huanjiang Yaoding and alchemy furnace. It is said that the Yaoding has three legs, while the alchemy furnace has four legs. There is no difference.

It's just that many alchemy masters are accustomed to using medicine cauldrons, so the medicine cauldron is used as a grade mark on the waist badge.

Yun Chujiu looked at it for a while and didn't see why, so he could only give up temporarily.

The next day, Chi Wu came to Yun Chujiu again to discuss the Nirvana Flower.

Naturally, Yun Chujiu couldn't tell the truth, so she said that she didn't think of any way, and it was just her guess, she might not miss the flowering time of Nirvana.

She asked again: "What did the big brother say over there?"

"He is the same as you said, first attend the Wanfa grand meeting and then make the next step.

Even if the Nirvana Flower is really picked by the Lord Niu Lu or Prisoner Ji, it is impossible to shoot it immediately, and there will be a chance to get it in the future. "Chi Wu said.

Hearing what he said, Yun Chujiu had another judgment on the true strength of him and Fei Yi. Maybe they used any method to suppress the cultivation base, the actual cultivation base must be higher than it is now.

If this were not the case, they would not be sure to get the Nirvana Flower from the Lord Niulu or Prisoner Ji.

Another day later, the owner of Niu Lu left the Medicine Lu with three people.

The owner of the cow house was quite big this time, with eight snow-white bulls pulling a luxuriously decorated car.

Even Yun Chujiu and each of them were assigned a bull that followed Che Yu.

Yun Chujiu sat on the back of the cow, but thought, this cow is fat, and it must be good for hot pot!

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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