Chapter 9599 Slim

Thinking of this, Yun Chujiu looked around subconsciously, her gaze fell on the person behind General Yan.

Although she didn't have any evidence, she intuitively felt that the person was the owner of Niulu, and at this time there was another person sitting in the car.

The reason for this speculation is that the man kept his head down.

This is not normal. The beast head is very eye-catching. Most people will keep their eyes on the beast head. Where can they keep their head down? !

But she didn't plan to do anything. There was a way to pick the Nirvana Flower from the left and right small pots, and she couldn't offend the Nirvana Lord at this time.

Besides, it would be a good thing for her not to go to Wanfasheng, so as not to be frustrated.

Fei Yi and Chi Wu had already entered the passage with Yun Chujiu's efforts. She quickly followed them and stepped into the passage.

The moment she entered the passage, the beast's head twisted for a moment, and then returned to normal.

General Manager Yan and others did not notice this. After the passage was closed, they returned on the same route.

In the passage, Yun Chujiu heard Chi Wu scream like a pig in front of him, and Fei Yi also snorted.

Even the person who entered at the beginning murmured vaguely.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but wonder, what happened to these people?

Could there be something similar to God's punishment in this passage?

She didn't notice the half-point abnormality, only felt that the wind was whistling by her side, just like a normal transmission channel.

After about half an hour, Yun Chujiu's feet fell on the ground, and the transmission was over.

Yun Chujiu discovered that she was stepping on a stone platform at this time. This stone platform was no different from the previous one, and even the beast head looked exactly the same.

But if you look closely, you can still find a little difference. This beast head is... thinner than the opposite one.

Yun Chujiu felt that 80% of the beast heads didn't know how to benefit, so he was so slim.

When she was looking at the beast's head, she heard a muffled grunt.

She later realized that Chi Wu had collapsed on the stone platform. Fei Yi and the person wearing Niu Luzhu's costume were slightly better, but they were also a little unstable.

Yun Chujiu felt that he had to be gregarious, so he crouched on the top of the stone platform, humming constantly in his mouth.

The corners of Chi Wu's mouth twitched, little girl, even if you act, don't act so exaggerated, okay? !

When the beast head saw this scene, his big eyes turned round and his figure twisted slightly.

At this time, Yun Chujiu's trio and the person wearing the costume of the Niu Lu master had already got off the stone platform.

Yun Chujiu saw that the man was indeed similar to the owner of Niulu, but he was definitely not the owner of Niulu.

Seeing Yun Chujiu looking at himself, the man snorted coldly: "The lord of the house has something to do temporarily, so he won't go to the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival.

He sent me to send you to Hongmeng Sacred Mountain, let's go! "

Chi Wu hurriedly said: "This adult is very face-to-face, I don't know how to call it?"

The man said impatiently: "You are so much nonsense?! Call me Medicine Master Lu!"

Chi Wu seemed to be unable to understand the other side's face, and curiously asked, "Yao Master Lu, how far is it from Hongmeng Sacred Mountain? Are we just walking like this?"

Pharmacist Lu gave him a contemptuous look: "Go? If you walk, no one will be there in a year or a half."

"Then how do we go?" Chi Wu asked.

Pharmacist Lu coldly snorted: "Slowly long-winded! Follow along!"

Yaoshi Lu quickened his pace after speaking, and the three Yun Chujiu exchanged veiled glances, and then quickly followed.

Something was delayed, and the remaining two chapters were updated at 10:30.

(End of this chapter)

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