Chapter 9600

The three of Yun Chujiu followed Yaoshi Lu for less than two miles, only then discovered that there was an enchantment in front of them, and the exit of the enchantment was heavily guarded.

Yun Chujiu felt that this was normal, otherwise it would be too trivial to guard the passage with two phantom beast heads.

Pharmacist Lu took out three invitations and a waist card.

Yun Chujiu saw the four medicine cauldrons on the waist card at a glance. She was shocked, but she didn't expect that Medicine Master Lu was a member of the Dan League, and also a Pharmacist from Siding.

He should have a good relationship with the owner of Niulu, otherwise he would not willingly help the owner of Niulu Jinchan.

She was even more surprised that the three of them were just helpers, and they even had a rather formal invitation, which showed how high the standards of the grand event are.

After the guard checked the waist card and the invitation, let it go.

After leaving the enchantment, Yun Chujiu suddenly felt that his sweat pores were unfolded, and it was true that the chaotic air here was much stronger than the Buddha Prison.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi also showed a look of enjoyment, Yao Shi Lu showed contempt when seeing this:

"When you take the Giant Wing Jinpeng, put away your previously unknown appearance, I don't want to be the laughing stock of others."

The three of Yun Chujiu nodded eagerly, and Chi Wu was even more curious: "Is the Swift Wing Golden Peng a demon bird that has been domesticated?

If we sit on it, won’t we fall? "

Pharmacist Lu glanced at Chi Wu like he was looking at two fools: "The Swift Wing Jinpeng is a bird specially used by the Hongmeng Realm to carry passengers, and its intelligence is higher than you.

Unless you annoy it, otherwise you will definitely not be thrown out of the air. "

Chi Wu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine, I'm afraid it looks like the monster birds in the Buddha Prison.

So it's better than Hongmeng Realm!

Not only is the Chaos Qi strong, but even the demon bird can be domesticated into a tool for carrying passengers. I hope that I can become a fifth-level pharmacist of the Profound Stage in the future, so that I can stay in the Hongmeng Realm. "

Pharmacist Lu said impatiently: "If you continue to make noise, I will be welcome."

Only then did Chi Wu shut up and said nothing.

The four people went out for about twenty miles, and a small market appeared in front of them.

In fact, it is a small market, there are not many stalls in total.

The stall owners all looked lazy, but after seeing Yun Chujiu and the four of them, they suddenly seemed to be beaten with blood.

"How many, are you from the Buddha Prison? I have sweet berries for quenching thirst and promoting fluids. How many will you try?"

"I have a Fuhe here for communication. How many will I keep for a rainy day?"

"Are you hungry? I have freshly roasted flatbread, made with long awn wheat. It is fragrant and anti-hungry. Buy a few and keep it?"


Chi Wu swallowed while looking at the pie: "How much is this pie?"

The stall owner said diligently: "It's not expensive, one spar, how many do you want? I'll wrap it up for you."

Chi Wu replied: "I'm sorry, I have limited spar, so I can't afford it."

The stall owner's face suddenly became hard to look: "If you don't buy it, what price do you ask?! If you ask, you have to buy it!

I have a hundred flatbreads here, you bought them all!

Otherwise I would be rude to you! "

Chi Wu suddenly said in a panic: "I, I don't know the rules here, this, this, Yaoshi Lu, otherwise you lend me a hundred spar, and I will exchange it for you when I have money."

Pharmacist Lu was impatient for a long time, took out his waistband and shook it, and said calmly:

"They are the helpers of the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival, and they want the slaughter to find someone else! Get out of the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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