Chapter 9601 Little Crazy Woman

Those stall owners who saw Yaoshi Lu's waist card were silent for a moment, but after only the answer, they gave way.

Pharmacist Lu gave Chi Wu a fierce look: "If there is another time, you don't have to go to the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival. As a Pharmacist of Si Ding, I have the right to kill you at any time."

Chi Wu's face was earthy in fright: "I, I won't be in the future, I dare not."

Yun Chujiu also showed a frightened expression, but wondered in his heart, hey, is the identity of Si Ding Pharmacist so useful?

It seems that she will have to get one in the future, but four tripods are too few, so there are six tripods.

At this time, Pharmacist Lu said again: "The Swift Wing Jinpeng will not arrive here until sunset. You all give me peace of mind."

After he finished speaking, he found an open space and began to meditate.

The three of Yun Chujiu also found an open space to rest, and no one said anything.

During this period, the three of them ate out dry food.

Yao Master Lu didn't say anything, he was meditating all the time.

Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, Yun Chujiu suddenly thought of a question.

According to the old man, there is no sun, moon and stars in the Buddha Prison, so why can Baqiyu see the sun, moon and stars?

Not only can Baqiyu see it, but also the universe and the land.

She was puzzled, and finally night fell.

When she was looking up at the moon, she suddenly found that the moon was hidden by a giant.

She hurriedly got up, and Chi Wu and Fei Yi did the same, all looking at the sky in surprise.

The behemoth was getting closer, and the three of them could see clearly that it turned out to be a giant bird like a hill, with golden feathers gleaming in the night.

It is estimated that this is what Yao Shi Lu said is the sap-winged Jinpeng.

As the Swift Wing Jinpeng approached, the sand on the ground was scraped, making people unable to open their eyes.

Pharmacist Lu frowned, but didn't say anything, he just covered himself with his spiritual consciousness cultivation.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi hurriedly followed suit, but Black Heart Nine suffered a lot.

She couldn't realise the divine consciousness attack, and she couldn't make it into a barrier, which was blown by the wind like a madman, not to mention the dust covered her body.

Seeing this, Chi Wu wondered, why did the little girl do this? Is there any far-reaching intention?

Do you want to continue pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

When he was thinking about it, the Swift Wing Jinpeng had already landed on the ground.

Yun Chujiu just saw that this Swift-winged Jinpeng was carrying a huge ship on its back. Some windows were open, and some people looked out curiously.

Yun Chujiu feels that the people in the Hongmeng world are ill, and there is time to build a giant ship to get a flying boat, okay? Why use Swift-winged Jinpeng to carry it? Isn't this unnecessary? !

However, she now feels that Swift Wing Jinpeng is not pleasing to the eye.

This **** flat-haired beast actually gave her a horror and turned her into a little crazy woman.

She secretly poked and glanced at Jinpeng's wings. If it were made into grilled wings, it would be enough for her to eat for half a month!

At this time, the suspended ladder hung down on the flying boat, Yao Shi Lu climbed up, and the three of Chi Wu followed closely behind.

Ji-wing Jinpeng didn't know if it was intentional, and kept shaking his head, causing the suspended ladder to keep swaying.

The three of Yun Chujiu finally climbed onto the flying boat, only to find someone selling tickets at this end of the suspended ladder.

After Yaoshi Lu paid the spar, he took the three of them into a cabin.

Yun Chujiu discovered that this cabin had no windows. He wanted to see the situation on the road, but it seemed impossible.

Pharmacist Lu said sternly: "You are honestly staying in this cabin. No one is allowed to leave without my order."

After speaking, he turned around and went out, and then came the sound of the lock falling.

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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