Chapter 9602, are you stupid?

The three of Yun Chujiu didn't move at first. After a while, there was no movement. Chi Wu ran to the cabin door to push the cabin door.

As expected, it has been locked from the outside.

The three looked at each other and checked around, but found nothing suspicious.

Chi Wu made a trip to the ground, and said broadly:

"It is estimated that there is nothing tricky in this cabin. After all, this cabin is used to carry passengers. If something goes wrong and offends someone who shouldn't be offended, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Besides, I don't think Yaoshi Lu is familiar with the person who charges, there should be no collusion. "

Fei Yi asked, "Where do you see that they don't know each other? Maybe it is deliberately pretending not to know?"

Chi Wu curled his lips and said: "It's not easy?! If they knew well, they would have stopped the Swift Wing Jinpeng long ago, how could it deliberately fan the dust?!"

Yun Chujiu smiled and said, "Second brother, I didn't expect you to be very careful! I also think there should be no problem with this cabin. After all, our three little shrimps are not worthy of such an excitement."

Chi Wu hesitated: "That's natural! Although my mind is not as good as you, it is much better than ordinary people!

It's just a pity that the Lord Niulu came to a golden cicada to escape. It is estimated that when we go back, the Nirvana Flower has already been picked by him or Prisoner Ji. "

Fei Yi frowned upon hearing this: "It's useless to say more about it, so let's look at it first.

The helpers of the Wanfa Festival are not so good. When the time comes, the three of us will try our best to put them together, and we will also have a care. "

Chi Wupidianpidian said: "That is natural, I have to count on you and my little sister to cover me!

However, it’s not bad to go there. It’s not an eye-opener. The food at the Grand Dharma Festival is very good, just to make up for it. This period of time has caused me to suffer!

See how thin I am! "

Yun Chujiu and Fei Yi looked at his chubby figure with expressions of indescribable expression.

Yun Chujiu said with some regret: "It's a pity that this cabin has no windows, otherwise you can see the scenery."

"Nothing to see?! Swift-winged Jinpeng is flying high, and you can see some peaks. It's better to lie down and sleep." Chi Wu said lacking interest.

Chi Wu's remarks clearly showed that he was familiar with the terrain here, and that he had been in the Swift Wing Jinpeng before.

He has let go now, and since his identity flaw has been seen anyway, he doesn't have so much hesitation in speaking.

Yun Chujiu knew in his heart, and asked, "Second brother, can the people of Hongmeng Realm only rely on the fast-winged Jinpeng to travel together? Why are there no tools such as flying?"

Chi Wu suddenly became energetic when he heard it, and sat up and said, "Little girl, you can give me some melon seeds, and I will talk to you over and over again."

Yun Chujiu was a little speechless, but still took out a plate of melon seeds and a pot of tea.

After Chi Wunu hit his chin, Yun Chujiu had to pour him a cup of tea and two more for Fei Yi and himself.

Chi Wu drank a cup of tea and sipped a handful of melon seeds before saying:

"Speaking of the Hongmeng world, the people are really terrapins. Flying can only rely on tame demon birds.

They wanted to get a flying tool out, but they couldn't fly.

It's only three feet off the ground at most, so what's the point of creating it? ! "

Yun Chujiu curiously asked, "Why can't I fly?"

Chi Wu shook his head and said, "Then I don't know, anyway, I can't fly."

"That's not enough to control the sword?"

Chi Wu Yile: "Sister, are you stupid?! After all, this sword is also a spiritual weapon, and naturally it can't fly."

(End of this chapter)

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