Chapter 9603 Grilled Wings

Yun Chujiu was right when he thought about it, and curiously asked, "What about land travel?"

"There are some windmills for land trips, but some are tasteless. After all, when you go to some places with complicated terrain, you can't travel with that kind of cars.

Therefore, most people still choose to transport monsters, flat ground can be used to pull carts, mountain can be directly riding. "Chi Wu said.

Yun Chujiu nodded: "In that case, taming monsters is a good business to make a fortune."

Fei Yi interjected: "Making money is making money, but it is not as good as you think.

First of all, many people catch monsters to tame them by themselves, and don't spend money to buy monsters.

Secondly, raising monsters requires a lot of cost, and also bears certain risks, such as the death of monsters or unexpected situations.

Finally, and the most important point, the monster beast business has always been monopolized by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. If other people want to do the monster beast business, they have to pay a lot of money to the Thousand Beast Sect. "

Yun Chujiu was not too surprised. The rule here is that the weak eats the strong. What she is curious about is: "How is a beast taming method? Is it a direct contract?"

She thinks this is unrealistic. After all, Ten Thousand Beast Sect must have raised a lot of monsters, can't all of them be contracted, right? !

Furthermore, if there is a contract, how to sell it?

"The monster beasts raised by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect are all monsters that have been domesticated for many generations, and are generally called spirit beasts.

The ferocity of these spirit beasts has been almost wiped out, even if they don't contract, they won't hurt people.

Furthermore, the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has a tactic for controlling beasts, and those spirit beasts are afraid of being cleaned up, so they dare not make trouble. "Fei Yi explained.

Yun Chujiu felt strange when he heard this, monster? Spirit beast? Flying spirit machine?

How is this the same as the name Three Thousand Continent?

Is it true that the three thousand continents are really endless hell? These names were passed down by those prisoners at the time, and naturally they made sense.

At this time, Chi Wuqian'er said: "Big Brother is right. For example, this Swift-winged Golden Peng is raised by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, and they have a monopoly on air transportation.

If anyone dares to do the same business, then wait to be taken care of by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect! "

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Then if I catch a Swift-winged Golden Peng and use it for riding, it doesn't matter what the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is?"

"That's natural, but you will die this heart!"

Yun Chujiu curiously asked: "Why?"

"You have also seen the size of the Swift Wing Jinpeng? Its combat effectiveness is very strong.

The reason why it can be controlled by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is because it has been domesticated for many generations. The one we are riding on may already be the domesticated dozens of generations.

However, the wild winged Jinpeng is rare in number, and fierce. Don't mention catching it. Be careful to be swallowed by it as soon as it shows up.

Besides, there are some demon birds that move around, just buy one or catch one when the time comes. There is no need to provoke the winged Jinpeng. "Chi Wu said.

Yun Chujiu sighed: "It doesn't matter if you travel or not. The main reason is that I think its wings are big enough. If you roast it, it must be very enjoyable."

Chi Wu: "..."

Fei Yi: "..."

If you sit on the back of the Swift-winged Jinpeng thinking about grilling other people's wings, are you not afraid to anger the Swift-winged Jinpeng? !

At this moment, the cabin tilted, followed by severe bumps.

The expressions of the two changed drastically, and a thought appeared in their hearts at the same time, wouldn't it be heard by Jinpeng, right?

(End of this chapter)

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