Chapter 9607 Digging

Yaoshi Lu heard what Yun Chujiu said, and felt that there was some truth.

Those cloud moths looked very eager, as if they were really running towards something.

Moreover, it is logical to say that the cloudworm shouldn't be here at all, there must be some reason for them to come over.

He is now in a hurry to go to the doctor, and there is no other way around, so he raised his waistband and said loudly:

"These cloud worms may come running on something. Who of you is carrying unusual things or living things?

If we take it out quickly and throw it out, maybe we can still save our lives. "

At first, some people wanted to raise objections, but they saw the four medicine cauldrons on their waist cards and swallowed them back.

Si Ding Pharmacist is still very prestigious, not to mention that there is no other expectation now, and he finally grabs a life-saving straw and will naturally not let it go.

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, take it out quickly, don't die because of petty profits!"

However, everyone said that there is nothing special about them.

Yaoshi Lu suddenly frowned, and subconsciously looked at Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes and said, "Yao Master Lu, I have a way to identify who the things are on."

"Say it!" Yao Shi Lu urged.

"Since the insects are coming rushing towards things, they must have a very sensitive sense of smell. Why not have a small hall next to them?

We are alone in the past, if the insects follow someone, it means that he has something that the insect wants. "

Yao Master Lu felt that this method was feasible, so everyone lined up and moved to the small hall next to him.

At first, the person who passed by was trembling, but when he entered the small hall, he found that the porthole really didn't have any cloudworms.

He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that something was definitely not on him.

Next, everyone moved to the small hall next door one by one, but the cloud moth did not follow.

In the end, only Lu Yaoshi and Yun Chujiu were left in the hall.

Pharmacist Lu was a little confused, could it be that something was on him? Hasn't he done anything special recently?

At this point, the portholes were already like spider webs, full of cracks.

He took a deep breath, stepped out of the hall, and entered the small hall.

As a result, those cloud moths did not follow.

He couldn't help but was shocked. Could it be that the three wastes have something that is of interest to the cloud worm?

At this moment, in the hall, Yun Chujiu's three people stared with big eyes.

Chi Wu is about to cry!

"Little girl, are you used to digging? Why do you even bury yourself!"

Yun Chujiu didn't expect it to end like this. She asked, "Did you bring any special things?"

Fei Yi and Chi Wu shook their heads again and again. Although they had some life-saving things on their bodies, it was absolutely impossible for them to attract Cloud Mist Moth. After all, they had never encountered Cloud Mist Moth before.

Yun Chujiu snorted: "If this is the case, let's go over in order. Maybe the problem is not with people, but with something special in this hall."

Fei Yi and Chi Wu had to leave the hall one after another and entered the small hall, but the cloud moths still did not follow.

Yun Chujiu touched his chin and wondered: Could the problem be with me? This is not easy, after all, I have too many special things.

Are the three for nothing or the bones? Is it the soul refinement or the small broken book?

Is it Ergouzi or Mushroom?

Is it a multi-eyed resentful beast or a fragment of evil?

Or is it the old man who rushed to Xin Lei?

There are two more chapters, updated at ten.

(End of this chapter)

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