Chapter 9608 is thrown out

Yun Chujiu felt that she had better go and try first. Maybe she was thinking too much, but in fact, what Yunwu worm was looking for was hidden in the hall.

So, she crawled out of the hall and entered the small hall next to it.

As soon as she entered, everyone's eyes were on the porthole.

However, the portholes are nothing unusual.

Yun Chujiu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "It seems that the thing is not on us, it should be hidden in the hall, it is better for us to look for..."

She hadn't finished her words, there was a crackling crash from the porthole, and the cloud worms rushed on the porthole densely.

Originally, the porthole of this small hall was not big, but now it is covered by several layers of cloud moths.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

That's it!

Now I dug a hole to bury myself.

There was a dead silence at first, followed by a loud noise:

"It's her! It turns out that it's this stinky girl! She is really a thief shouting to catch a thief. She tossed us around, and the daring thing is on her."

"Isn't it? You want to deny that something is in the hall, thinking that we are all blind?!"

"It's useless to say that, let her hand over the things quickly, or we all have to die!"


Although the bumps were severe, the people quickly surrounded Yun Chujiu and ordered her to hand over the things.

Fei Yi and Chi Wu are stupid!

For a while, they didn't know what to do, and the two couldn't help feeling miserable. Why are you so clever, little girl?

Now it's alright, I have pitted myself, what can I do?

Yun Chujiu stabilized his mind: "Everyone, since I have proposed this method, it means that I don't know that something is on me. Otherwise, didn't I dig a hole for myself?!

So, rest assured, I will go to the next hall and throw out all the things I carry, hoping to resolve this catastrophe. "

Yun Chujiu was about to go to the next hall as he said. He didn't expect someone to say gloomily: "They may not be interested in things, let alone you lose too much time.

Why don't you sacrifice yourself to perfect us, and we throw you out. If that's the case, the cloud borer will definitely withdraw. "

That man’s proposal was immediately echoed by many people:

"Yes, we should throw her out so that we can solve the problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it takes a long time, we will all fall to death.

"Yes, throw her out quickly!

After opening the vent for a while, we worked together to build a barrier of consciousness, and then threw her out. "


These people said they were about to do it, Fei Yi and Chi Wu looked at each other, and put Yun Chujiu in the middle.

They are actually very bitter in their hearts, my little girl, what amazing things did you bring? It actually recruited the Yunwu Singfly!

You have to think of a solution quickly, we can't handle it after a long time.

Yun Chujiu also knew that the situation was urgent, and hurriedly asked old man Xin Lei: "Senior, Yunwu Singfly seems to be eyeing me!

Didn’t you hire it? "

"A lot of nonsense! They are not little girls, how could I have brought them?!" the old man murmured.

If it weren't for the urgent situation, Yun Chujiu really wanted to scold him for being serious!

She patiently said: "They are going to throw me out, but you give me an idea!"

The old man said slowly: "Little girl, you have to learn to be self-reliant, don't rely on me for everything!

I'm tired, you retire! "

(End of this chapter)

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