Chapter 9609 Unexpected

Yun Chujiu almost died of anger!

This bad old man is really damning!

It seems that asking someone is better than asking yourself, no one can count on it.

She was heartbroken and threw it out. No matter how powerful these cloudworms are, they should not be able to swallow their grievances.

For a while, she let the multi-eyed resentful beast wrap her in resentment, which not only can defend against the attack of the cloudworm, but also land smoothly.

No matter how bad it is, isn't there still a claw? !

She can ride it to the ground, if those cloud worms attack her, she will try fire attack and lightning, which may be useful.

At this moment, Er Gouzi said suddenly: "Little fairy, do you think they came from the snowy cabbage? After all, ordinary insects like to gnaw on the leaves."

Yun Chujiu thought it was nonsense!

Xueyuan cabbage is collected in the bag of spirit beasts, is it possible that those cloud moths can smell through the bag of spirit beasts?

It must be Ergouzi who wanted to take the opportunity to throw away a part of the snowy cabbage so as not to chew the cabbage gang.

However, she thinks it is feasible to use this to delay time.

So he shouted loudly: "Wait a minute! I know what they are running for!"

Everyone stopped subconsciously, and then saw Yun Chujiu take out...a Chinese cabbage.

Everyone was almost amused!

Isn't this the Chinese cabbage you eat on weekdays? ! Moreover, it seems that the Qi of Chaos is very thin. How could the cloudworm come from this thing? !

Chi Wuxin said, my little sister, I know you are delaying time, but you are also getting something reliable!

However, he still helped: "Yes, it must have come from the cabbage! Isn't there a saying that it is better to eat as good as cabbage, and it is better to bear it?!

There is also a saying that eating cabbage for a while can live for ninety-nine thousand! "

Everyone: "..."

Why haven't we heard of it? !

What Yao Master Lu thinks is, is this a rhetoric from the Buddha Prison?

At this time, there was a loud noise from the porthole and the window broke!

Suddenly, those cloud moths swept in like a thick fog.

Chi Wu reacted very quickly, grabbing the snowy Chinese cabbage in Yun Chujiu's hand, and throwing it at the cloud-mist moths.

Actually, he was acting subconsciously, and he had no hope at all in his heart.

Therefore, after he threw the Chinese cabbage out, he dragged Fei Yi and Yun Chujiu to rush out the door.

As a result, he heard rustling sounds and the sound of inhaling one after another.

He glanced intently, his eyes almost staring out.

The Chinese cabbage in the snowfield is no longer visible, because it is covered by layers of cloud moth.


Dare to love the cloud-mist moth!

Knowing this a long time ago, he had prepared thousands of catties of Chinese cabbage in the storage ring!

Yun Chujiu was also confused, really eating?

Er Gouzi in the spirit beast bag was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately became proud.

It originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to throw out the snowy Chinese cabbage, lest it be allowed to chew the cabbage gang.

Unexpectedly, he made a great contribution to the accidental collision!

What does this show? It shows that it is the chosen dog of heaven!

You have to stand aside any dog's tail or bones, it's the second dog is the brightest cub!

At this time, countless cloudworms flew in from the window, and Yun Chujiu hurriedly threw out a snowy Chinese cabbage.

Regardless of the small size of the cloud moths, they can't hold up the large numbers. In a flash, Yun Chujiu threw out ten snowy Chinese cabbage.

Yun Chujiu feels that this is not the way to go, what should I do when the cabbage is always lost?

I don’t know if Chinese cabbage-flavored dog meat will work?

Ergouzi: "..."

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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