Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9639: It's about dignity

Chapter 9639 is about dignity

Yun Chujiu looked at the little bugs on the ground and felt like crying!

I thought it was a monster similar to a shit-shell man. After contracting it, let it go and call friends to deal with the cow dung. Then the three of them would save trouble.

Who knows, there was an oolong in the end, this thing has nothing to do with shit.

Moreover, this little thing is so low in strength, what is the use of her contract? !

Could it be really used to monitor those white hoofed cloud cows?

The main reason is that it doesn't say anything at all except chirps, watch the fart!

Cancel the contract?

Where does her face go? !

When she was upset, the Golden Helmet had been chirping, Yun Chujiu said with some impatientness:

"Okay, stop yelling!

You might as well contract a **** guy!

Just stare at the white-hoofed Tengyun cows for me. If there is any abnormality, tell me. If there is no abnormality, find a place by yourself and don't wander in front of me. "

Yun Chujiu didn't care about the golden helmet after he finished speaking, and said to Chi Wu and Fei Yi, "There is no accommodation nearby. Let's sleep in a tent at night!"

Fei Yi nodded: "Although there is a golden helmet staring at it, it is better to leave a personal vigil when we first arrive.

I watch the middle of the night, and your second brother watch the middle of the night. "

Although Chi Wu was a little reluctant, he knew it was better to be careful, so he agreed.

Yun Chujiu saw that she hadn't arranged for her, and she didn't have any hypocrisy. Now it was all fateful friendships, and there was no need to divide them so clearly.

A good night's sleep, the coachmen came over early the next morning to take the bull.

When scrubbing the white-hoofed Tengyun cattle, the coachman, surnamed Chi, was complaining all the time. It was nothing more than complaining that the three of Yun Chujiu had not cleaned the cowshed, so that they delayed their efforts.

When Yun Chu Jiuquan was pouting, there was no need to delay his effort on such a villain.

After they were gone, Chi Wu and Fei Yi bite the bullet and continued to clean up the cow dung.

After one night, their workload has increased a lot.

Chi Wu is almost crying!

He had every reason to suspect that the white-hoofed Tengyun cattle deliberately retaliated against them. Otherwise, why would there be so much cow dung in one night? !

Yun Chujiu let Duclaw wake up the Invincible Honey Badger, but I don't know why, the Invincible Honey Badger fell asleep, and the Duclaw kicked it several times, but it did not wake up.

Yun Chujiu had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​letting the invincible honey badger look for the **** shell man, and thought, otherwise the flower will be enlarged at night? It eats everything anyway.

big flower:"……"

I give you my life, you let me... eat, shit?

Can you be a little human? !

If I really do, how will Little Linger see me in the future? !

Do not go to death!

It's about dignity!

In fact, Yun Chujiu also thought about it casually, it is impossible to really do this.

Dahua don't know!

It originally thought that this matter had nothing to do with it, and it was a little gloat.

Now it's so anxious that it's going round and round, if it can't think of a good way, it will suffer!

Not to mention, Da Hua's mind, which was not too agile, suddenly opened up!

It hurriedly said: "Master, I have no appetite lately, so I can't do this.

However, I have a more suitable candidate than me. "

Yun Chujiu curiously asked: "Who?"

"Numbers six, seven, and eight! They are puppets. They don't know whether they are dirty or tired. It's most suitable for them to do this kind of work!"

Yun Chujiu's heart moved, Dahua's proposal really works, but the movements of the three puppets are stiff, are they competent for this job?

In addition, they are a little unwilling and won't strike, right?

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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