Chapter 9640 Did you wake up?

Although Yun Chujiu deliberately released the No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8 for a try, it was not very convenient now that it was daytime, so he had to give up this idea temporarily.

In fact, there is another way, and that is to hire those coachmen to help with cleaning.

But Yun Chujiu gave up after thinking about it. The three of them came to be punished. If they hire someone to clean it, it is inevitable that someone will make a big fuss.

She thought of the old man Xin Lei in the storage ring, and couldn't help sighing.

If she had his cultivation base, she could externalize her consciousness into anything, and she wouldn't be so worried.

Just turn a bunch of...Shit shell man on the line.

Thinking of this, she looked inwardly at her sea of ​​consciousness, and wanted to see if there was any change in that eye.

Unfortunately, there is no change in that eye.

Yun Chujiu feels that being idle is also being idle, or else he has another eye?

She greeted Fei Yi and Chi Wu, and then began to concentrate on drilling her eyes.

After a while, Chi Wu saw her face pale, and her forehead was sweating ticking down.

"Big brother, younger sister, is she okay?"

"She just said that no matter what happens, we will not be allowed to intervene. It should have been expected.

Let's not mix rashly, just keep an eye on it. "Fei Yi said.

Chi Wu nodded in agreement, but went to see Yun Chujiu from time to time, for fear of something wrong with her.

Yun Chujiu was trying hard to drill her eyes at this time. Needless to say the pain, what made her suffocated was that after such a long time passed, she did not drill a second eye.

Because I just drilled a small hole, I don't know what happened and it will be automatically filled.

Yun Chujiu tried for two hours and still ended in failure.

She was soaked in sweat at this time, angry and annoyed, exhausted, and had to give up.

In desperation, he had to ask the old man Xin Lei for advice.

"Senior, if, I said if, I don't have a magic trick now, can you help me open it?"

The old man Xin Lei was a little impatient when he was disturbed, so he said: "I haven't gotten my mind for so many years, what can I do?!

If you really haven't opened a divine orifice, what is the difference between it and trash? ! Just die, and save food. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She endured, "Senior, if a person is innately unable to open his mind, and then uses his own mind to make an awl and drill an eye out of the sea of ​​knowledge, is this a trick?"

The old man Xin Lei was taken aback first, then mocked:

"Aren't you awake? Are you talking nonsense here?! You still got an eye? You think that the sea of ​​knowledge is a stone, and you just dig an eye when you say it?

If there was such an idiot, he would have died long ago and could not die again. "

"Senior, you can't say that, I am alive and kicking now."

Old man Xin Lei: "..."

After a while, the old man Xin Lei hesitated and said, "You, what you said is true?"

"Really, I'm from Baqi Region, and I've got a book about enlightenment before, but it's a pity that no matter how I practice, I can't enlighten me.

Later, in desperation, I turned my divine consciousness into an awl and got an eye.

It's a pity that there are eyes, but there is still no way to attack the real thing with God's consciousness.

Although it can attack the opponent's spiritual sense, the effect is the same. If it is not, it is the result of killing one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. "Yun Chujiu said with a sigh.

This is the case with her Heavenly Eye Killing. Although it may be used in emergency situations at critical times, the side effects are too great.

What's more, she hasn't tried it with people from Hongmeng Realm, and she doesn't know if it works.

(End of this chapter)

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