Chapter 9567 Atonement

After the three discussed, Yun Chujiu said, "The time is urgent now. If it's late, maybe we owe our identities to us.

So, I don’t have time to write the script for you. When the time comes, I will play the leading role. You see me winking. "

Fei Yi and Chi Wu nodded and agreed, and the three of them left the house and came to see Elder Mei.

Of course, Yun Chujiu was supported by Fei Yi and Chi Wu. She is now the "wounded" person, and the injury was still suffered for Elder Mei.

Whether things can be done or not, this "injury" is critical.

Elder Mei was talking to his disciples in the house, and heard the three of Yun Chujiu begging to see him, he gave them a little thought and let them in.

Yun Chujiu saw that all the people from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were here, so he said that it would be okay, lest he have to perform several times.

She knelt on the ground without saying a word after entering the house, as did Fei Yi and Chi Wu.

I have to say that none of the three of them took the face thing seriously, they said they would kneel down without any hesitation.

Elder Mei was taken aback: "Why are you?"

Before Yun Chujiu spoke, his eye circles were red, and he choked slightly: "Elder Mei, we are guilty!"

Fei Yi and Chi Wu also looked ashamed: "We are guilty!"

Elder Mei is even more confused now: "What is your sin?"

Yun Chujiu took a deep breath, and then said, "Surely you know what happened a few days ago? It was the collapse of two and a half palaces by Jinpeng.

The three of us are..."

Before Yun Chujiu's words were finished, Qidong, who was closest to them, widened his eyes:

"Aren't you just the three **** who abducted Jinpeng with swift wings and caused a disaster?"

Yun Chujiu's face was ashamed: "Well, we are the three bastards! We are sorry for the Swift Wing Jinpeng, we are sorry for the Ten Thousand Beast Sect!

We are not human! We are guilty! "

Qidong: "..."

Originally, he had prepared a lot of ugly words, but Yun Chujiu did not expect to say them for him.

Yun Chujiu raised his head to look at Elder Mei, whose face was sinking like water, and said in shame:

"Elder Mei, although the main cause of this incident is that the Swift Wing Jinpeng was too reckless, but the Swift Wing Jinpeng is the one who brought the grand gathering of all laws after all, and we can't shirk the blame.

We tried our best to redeem our sins, so we took a huge amount of compensation for Jifei Jinpeng, but we were still extremely guilty.

Because we know that for a sect, reputation is more than everything.

Because of our negligence, the reputation of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect was damaged. We are guilty!

Therefore, when I saw you in danger, I pushed you away with a redemptive mood.

To be honest, I didn't want to come when you said you were going to transfer the three of us in.

The reason is simple, I am afraid you will hold us accountable. "

Elder Mei's expression did not change, but he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then why did you come to Chongxiao Hall with me again?"

Yun Chujiu hesitated for a while, then raised his head and said word by word: "I want to redeem my sins."

Qi Dong had already slowed down at this time, and sneered: "Atonement? Even if you kill you, it won't make up for the loss of our sect!"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "You are right. We are just three small wastes from the Buddha Prison. Even if we kill us, it will only dirty your hands.

However, I heard people say that although the grand event is full of flowers on the surface, it actually has ghosts.

There are certain things that the Ten Thousand Beast Sect may not be easy to come forward as a large sect. We are just three low lives. If necessary, we can rush forward at any time.

If we are lucky enough to contribute, the guilt in our hearts can also be lessened. "

(End of this chapter)

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