Chapter 9658 acquiescence

Hearing Yun Chujiu's words, Elder Mei's expression finally changed.

He said sternly: "Our Ten Thousand Beast Sect does not need these methods that cannot be used on the stage.

If you don't learn well at a young age, you just learn these privates. Fortunately, I thought you were a good person before. "

Yun Chujiu originally said that there was a tentative element in those words, and seeing the old man reacting like this, he immediately cried and said:

"I knew you were not such a person!

This is what my second brother said. He said that he had heard people say that many people in the sect would do this. Now we have a dead end, it is better to fight.

Oh, I said at the time that you were a beautiful person, and you were righteous, and it was impossible to agree. He insisted on me to say that. "

Chi Wu: "..."

Little girl, little girl, in order to establish a person, you just threw the black pot on me, do you think this is good? !

Tucao returned to Tucao, he reacted quickly, kowtowing like garlic:

"It was my lard that was blindfolded, and I was also trying to save my life, so I remembered these rumors.

At that time, the little girl told me that although I only spent a short time with you, I can see that you are a good person and disdain these private means at all.

I forced her to say that. If you want to punish me, just punish me! "

Elder Mei took a shot at the table: "Okay, I have already understood the matter. As for how to deal with you, I have my own measures. Go ahead!"

The three of Yun Chujiu dared not say much, and after saluting, they stepped back.

After they left, Hall Master Yi Shang, who was standing at the bottom left of Elder Mei, said: "Elder Mei, what do you plan to do with the three of them?"

Elder Mei pondered for a moment: "The three of them are not members of our Ten Thousand Beast Sect. Besides, the main cause of this incident is the Swift-winged Golden Peng. Since they have already made compensation and admitted their mistakes, I think it's fine. , Send them back tomorrow."

Elder Mei's words immediately evoked opposition.

"Elder Mei, it's so cheap for them? Although Jizhi Jinpeng is big, but it has the same brain. If it hadn't been for what they said, it would definitely not come to the grand gathering.

No matter what their original intention is, they cannot escape the blame for this matter. "

"This matter must be ridiculed by other sects. If you let them go like this, it will give people even more talk."

"Even if they can't kill them, they have to study hard. It's better to let them work in the Great Heaven Hall, and let them peel off if they die!"


Elder Mei frowned. Although these people wouldn't say anything if he insisted, it was unnecessary.

So, he said: "Then let the three of them stay in the Chongxiao Hall first. You can embarrass them if you want, but you have to have a degree and don't go too far.

Qidong, Qinan, and Qibei, this matter is left to you, and it can be regarded as an experience for you.

In addition, that little girl fought a sky thunder for me after all, and she was injured, so don't toss her. "

As a big brother, Qi Dong nodded hurriedly:

"You can rest assured that we have a sense of measure.

In addition, I think that little girl is kind, and that thin and tall one is just fine, but that short fat man is not a good thing at first sight, so we will give priority to him. "

Elder Mei felt that what Qi Dong said was right, that Chi Wu was wrong at first sight, otherwise he wouldn't give the little girl such an idea, it would be necessary for him to learn something.

Therefore, without a word, he acquiesced to what Qi Dong said.

(End of this chapter)

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