Chapter 971 Thunder slag

At the beginning of the cloud, I feel that there are some evil things. How can I not have one? Isn't she choosing the wrong direction? Isn't it suitable for the growth of purple grass?

"Let's go back and see if there is any purple grass in other places." Yunchu decided to change direction.

After an hour, you can see other monks one after another.

Some groups saw four clouds in the beginning, and suddenly they showed greedy light in their eyes. Someone surrounded them up: "Hand over the purple brocade that you collected, otherwise we will be rude."

At the beginning of the cloud, the storage bag was shaken off with a bitter face. There was nothing in it: "We haven’t got one, we don’t believe you."

"No one has been picked up? Hahaha! You are really a waste group!"

"Then their achievements are not zero? Hahaha, it’s so funny!"

"It's a pity, do you want to give us a gift? Otherwise your achievements will be zero."


Feng Ming's three faces turned red, and they had such a fall. They looked at them at the beginning of the cloud, and the three of them were angry and no snoring.

At the beginning of the cloud, I said faintly: "Where is a place, since you are so kind, give us the purple grass inside!"

"Hey! The beauty of thinking! Let's go!" The man said, four people are leaving.

What I never expected was that the beginning of the cloud turned out to be like a ghost, and suddenly moved forward, and the palm of his hand was shot to the disciple holding the storage bag in his hand.

The disciple noticed that there was a wind in the back, and he quickly evaded to the side. He saw that the person who attacked himself was a cloud, and he could not help but be angry. "You are a stinky girl who wants to rob us. It is really self-reliant!"

"I am the way of his people to heal the people. You can rest assured that I will rob you, and will give you a purple grass. Feng Ming brother, the three are handed over to you!" Said coldly.

"What's special! It's really a big talk, not afraid to flash your tongue, the brothers have abolished them!" The man said that he attacked the cloud.

The man’s hands are bound to use the spiritual attack. In the beginning of the cloud, a shimmer is flashed in the eyes, and the seal is printed. I let you print, I married you!

At the beginning of the cloud, the left and right hands waved again and again, and several purple lightnings shook the man.

The man suddenly forced it!


What is this stuff?

How can people make lightning? Still purple lightning?

The man’s wolverine escaped the attack of the cloud, and quickly sealed. Finally, several wind blades went straight to the cloud and attacked it. The cloud had a experience in the desert, and it felt that the attack was weak and weak. After dodging, he turned to the man again.

When the man saw the beginning of the cloud, there was no gap between each lightning. The heart was like a dog. How could this be? She won’t seal it, and she can attack if she doesn’t need to pause. This is not in line with common sense!

The first thing in the cloud is that it doesn't matter if you don't conform to common sense. When you look at the man, the man smells a scorching smell. The hair is stunned by lightning.

The man quickly rolled around and extinguished the flame on his head. At the beginning of the cloud, he took a man’s foot and transferred the purple grass in the storage bag to his storage bag.

At this time, Fengming three people also took the upper hand. The monks of Tianyuan mainland lived relatively comfortably. The concentration of spiritual power here is much higher than that of Qingxuan mainland. Therefore, although their spiritual level is higher than Fengming, they are actually fighting. The level of experience and tampering is completely inferior to Feng Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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