Chapter 972: Robbery is not robbed

The Fengming three people have long been screaming for a bit of strength, and they have been asking for mercy for the three people. They really don’t understand. They are all three layers of Lingzong. How can they not beat the waste of these three Lingzong layers? What? !

"Oh, say yes, give it to you, and collect it, or you will have zero points!" Yunchu picked a small purple grass and threw it on the ground, and then took Fengming three Go ahead and go.

The four people were simply crying and crying. They were supposed to rob others. Now it’s good, but they were robbed by the clouds!

At the beginning of the cloud, I muttered and said: "It’s still robbing! We have more than 50 purple brocades! But it’s a pity that there are so few weak groups like them, the three layers of Lingzong, we still Can barely deal with, if they are all four layers of Lingzong, we can't beat it."

Feng Ming three people are still immersed in the joy of success at this time, they did not expect that they can actually challenge the leap, even can defeat the three layers of monks in Lingzong, they are not so waste!

The words of the beginning of the cloud suddenly made them wake up. Only a few people who came to the test were the three layers of Lingzong. Most of them were more than four layers of Lingzong. They were almost the weakest.

"Small nine sisters, what do we do next?"

"We pick some places where there are few people, and maybe there are unexpected gains." If you can't grab others, you can only find another way.

When the four people were about to leave, they heard someone madly saying: "Smelly girl, you stand for me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked up, but it was really narrow. The person who spoke was Yin Xuecheng. The other three people should have a higher level of spiritual power than the previous ones. I don’t know whether it is the fourth layer of Lingzong or the five layers of Lingzong.

"Smelly head, hand over the purple brocade in your storage bag, and then confess to the uncle, I confessed to sin, my grandfather will spare you if you are kind, otherwise, Grandpa, I will do it directly here." Yin Xuecheng eyes There is a fascinating and fascinating light in the front, and it has already converge at the entrance of the college. Now it completely exposes its nature.

At the beginning of the cloud, I estimated the strength of both sides. Although I was weaker on this side, but unexpectedly, they were caught off guard and should still have a chance of winning. So the first time in the early days of the cloud, a gesture was made, and Feng Ming three people would like to know. The quiet start began to move behind the four.

At the beginning of the cloud, the face was angry and angry: "Yin Xuecheng! You are really stinky! Why do you want to rob our purple grass?"

"Cut! What kind of equipment? Isn't your purple brocade not robbed? Hurry and hand it over, or else I will be rough! You are so fine and tender, if it hurts, it will be bad!" Yin Xuecheng laughed with a bad heart.

The other three people also laughed. In their view, although Yun Yun had escaped more than a dozen attacks under Yin Sulian’s hands, it did not explain anything. Yin Sulian’s spiritual power was urged by eating medicinal herbs. Naturally, It is invisible.

They are not the same, not to mention the other three are waste, and when they hit two, they can take this little girl.

At the beginning of the cloud, he suddenly smiled and said to Yin Xuecheng: "Well, the person who knows the time is Junjie, you come over, I will give you the storage bag."

Yin Xuecheng suddenly took a look at the smile of the cloud, and said with sorrow and smile: "This is right! I have to follow my uncle, I will not treat you badly. I will buy you a house in Wudi City." After that, you will live there with peace of mind, and I will be able to accompany you when I am in a row..."

(End of this chapter)

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