Chapter 9726 fades

Hall Master Xia frowned and watched from the side, and said: "Mei You, your rebound team has less than half of the incense time left, so hurry up."

Yun Chujiu was angry and anxious, if it weren't for the crowds here, she would have wanted to curse.

She said to her heart, could it be because of dyeing?

Or get rid of the dye on it?

But if you do it in public, don't you just show your stuff? What if you are framed for a crime?

what should I do?

This guy turned his eyes and got an idea.

She grinned and cried loudly: "Hongmeng Holy Mountain, why don't you let me in?

I've been a kind and good boy since I was a kid, not to mention that there are almost a few good deeds every day, so let me go in!

If I can't get in this time, I don't want to live anymore..."

This guy said while crying, tears falling one by one on the Hongmeng Sacred Stone in his hand.

Then I saw the Hongmeng Sacred Stone...fading.

Of course, only her tears are definitely useless, this guy sneaked up some powder while others were not paying attention, and with the washing of tears, the Hongmeng Sacred Stone faded.

Everyone was stunned, how did Mei You's Hongmeng Sacred Stone fade?

The others were still in shock, and Shu Yao's sharp voice sounded: "Mei You, you dare to forge the sacred stone of Hongmeng! You are so bold!"

Her words immediately made the scene fry!

Yes, the Hongmeng Sacred Stones are all gray. Why is this one in Mei You's hand black? It must be fake!

Hall Master Xia's face suddenly became gloomy: "Come here, take Mei You..."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, the black lacquered sacred stone in Yun Chujiu's hand exuded a faint light, covering Yun Chujiu's whole person.

Hall Master Xia's words suddenly choked in his throat. If it was a fake Hongmeng sacred stone, there would be no response at all, is it true?

Then why is the sacred stone in her hand black?

In his puzzlement, Yun Chujiu stepped into the thick fog and disappeared.

Hall Master Xia suppressed the doubts in his heart and motioned Shu Yao to continue.

However, Shu Yao couldn't start right away, and had to wait for the rebounding team to run out of time before entering.

At this time, Yun Chujiu was walking along the road illuminated by the Hongmeng Sacred Stone, still thick mist on both sides, unable to see what was there.

After a full half an hour, the front suddenly became clear.

It was a barren land, and there was nothing on the ground except large and small rocks.

Several people were sitting on some of the rocks, and they all stood up when they saw Yun Chujiu.

"Sister, why did you come in? We are all waiting for you!" Chi Wupidian said.

Originally, he was worried that he would fight alone when he entered the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain. When he came in, he saw Qi Dong Feiyi and they were all here, and he immediately felt the bottom.

It seems that you can still form a gang here, which is easy to handle. As long as the little girl is there, everything will be fine for him to follow the little girl!

Not only did he think so, but Fei Yi also thought so.

As for the Qidong trio, it's not that they trust Yun Chujiu. They are mainly unfamiliar with the place of life. They always feel flustered and think it is better to stay together in a group.

Therefore, they also waited here with Chi Wu.

Yun Chujiu didn't expect this to be the case either. Although she didn't mind going it alone, it's always good to have more people.

Not to mention anything else, at least someone beat her, she just needs to move her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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