Chapter 9727 knocking out

In contrast to Chi Wu’s ecstasy, Fei Yi said:

"Sister, they all say that the first ones have advantages, but we didn't find anything special here. What do you think about this?"

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes and said, "Regardless of whether there is an advantage or not, we have to turn this into an advantage.

If I guess right, the rest of the people should also enter here.

In that case, how about we fight a robbery? "

Chi Wu few people: "..."

Qi Bei widened his eyes: "Mei You, what are you talking about?"

Yun Chujiu squinted his eyes and said: "I said let's fight a robbery! The Thunder team is behind us. We only need to lie in wait here, and we can beat the next one.

Wouldn't they be rich if they dragged away their storage ring? ! "

Qibei and others: "..."

"Well, isn't it inappropriate to do this? If they file a complaint when going out, we will be in bad luck!" Qi Dong hesitated.

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes: "Did you forget? After going out, the memories during this period will disappear. They don't even remember, so what are you going to do?!"

When Qidong and others heard it, their eyes lit up, right!

Why have you forgotten this? !

The Thunder team had run against them before, and if it hadn't released the colorful fan-feather skylark in the ring, maybe they would have to catch it.

There is gratitude and revenge here, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Thinking of this, the Qidong trio were eager to try.

Although their cultivation is not as good as Shu Yao and the others, they came in one by one after all, and they were unexpectedly surprised, so there shouldn't be a big problem.

As a result, several people lay in ambush in the thick fog on both sides, preparing to ambush.

As soon as they were in ambush, Shu Yao came in.

Shu Yao was a little absent-minded. She had been wondering why the sacred stone in Yun Chujiu was black?

In addition, although the number of people who had entered the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain in the past was different, there was no death or injury, so she did not have much defense.

So she was unlucky.

Qidong several people shot at the same time, although several people are not as good as Shu Yao, but the five people together are more than enough to deal with her, not to mention she is not prepared.

She didn't even react to what happened, and was stunned by Yun Chujiu and fainted.

Yun Chujiu slapped her storage ring off, and after wiping out her spiritual knowledge, she threw it into her storage ring.

After doing this, he signaled Chi Wu to drag Shu Yao into the dense fog so that Dugumu would not discover it later.

In the same way, Yun Chujiu knocked out all the members of the Thunder Team.

Qi Dong and the others were excited and scared. Chi Wu said tremblingly: "Sister, let's stop if we do this ticket? Or do we do a few more votes? Rob the rest?"

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "If we are robbed, they will unite against us, so let's just accept it if we meet!

Go, leave here, lest Shu Yao and the others wake up looking for us desperately. "

It was not that Yun Chujiu had never thought of cutting the grass and rooting out, but Shu Yao and the others were all elite disciples of the Dan League.

Besides, keeping them might be useful in the future.

About half an hour after Yun Chujiu and the others left, Qi Wenhao, the captain of the third-ranked Hurricanes team, came in.

He faintly heard a sound in the thick fog on both sides, and his expression suddenly became severe. Could it be that there is a monster hidden in the thick fog?

So, he smashed the past with a divine consciousness attack...

(End of this chapter)

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