Chapter 9764 I'm here

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast wrapped Yun Chujiu's grievances and walked outside and said diligently:

"Master, I am best at doing this kind of thing!

Don't worry, I promise to be there on call, even without calling! "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

The multi-eyed resentful beast doesn't care if Yun Chujiu makes a difference, and continues to scream:

"Master, you have been too busy recently, and I haven't had the opportunity to report to you the results of my recent battles. I just took advantage of this opportunity to talk to you.

Aren’t those grievances screaming, aren’t they scolding me all day?

They are too self-conscious!

I don’t even ask, who have I been afraid of when I’m swearing? !

Now they have been scolded by me, and I dare not even make a sound, one by one like a tortoise, hahaha! "

Yun Chujiu frowned. She didn't think those resentments would be scolded by the multi-eyed resentful beasts. Could something go wrong?

She wanted to ask the old man Xin Lei, but she yelled a few times but did not respond, so she had to put the matter down temporarily.

"Hornet's nest, you have been out long enough, go back to the storage ring!"

Multi-eyed Grim Beast said with a frown, "How can time pass so fast! I have to go in as soon as I come out, and it will suffocate me!"

Although complaining, it still got into the storage ring obediently.

Because once it comes out for too long, the storage ring will explode because it can't bear the fragments of Sha.

It knows the seriousness of the matter and does not dare to fool around.

After Duyanyan Beast entered the storage ring, Yun Chujiu waited for a while, and the shaking of the mountain slowly stopped.

Yun Chujiu wanted to enter Shanwan'er again, but found that the sky had darkened.

She felt that the risk factor was relatively high at night, so she decided to find a place to spend the night temporarily, and it was not too late to go in after dawn.

So I found a shelter from the wind, took out the dry food and ate and pondered things.

At this moment, she heard the sound of ding ding dong.

What sound is this?

She distinguished it and found that the voice came from inside the mountain bend.

She hesitated for a moment, but carefully turned the corner of the mountain.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yun Chujiu was stunned.

I saw those gray stones...fighting.

Saying that it was a fight was actually a collision, and the ding-ding-dong she heard was caused by the collision.

Some stones may not be strong enough and shattered after being hit repeatedly.

The remaining fragments were instantly "eaten" by the rest of the stones.

Yun Chujiu has seen many strange things, but the situation in front of her still surprised her.

She said to her heart, it seems that these stones are also the survival of the fittest, and the weak eat the strong!

While she was feeling emotional, a stone that had been hit and flew happened to fly in her direction.

Yun Chujiu's eyes flashed, Zhengshou couldn't find the research object, but now he was sent to the door!

She thought well, and was about to catch and take the stone away when it was approaching. Unexpectedly, the stone stopped when it flew halfway, hung in the air, and then fell to the ground.

Not only that, but the other stones also stopped fighting, frozen in place, as if time had stopped.

Yun Chujiu said in his heart, is it because he was seen by others, so he came to steal the bell?

She visually inspected the stone closest to her, which was only about ten feet away.

She decided to take the risk and take the stone away.

However, as soon as she took two steps, she shook the mountain again.

The multi-eyed resentful beast flew out in a hurry: "Master, I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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