Chapter 9765 Black Eyes Blue

Yun Chujiu originally wanted to reprimand the multi-eyed complaining beast, after all, this situation does not need it to come out.

But seeing the pitiful little eyes from its dozens of eyes, he had to swallow the words back.

No matter, come out as long as you return to the storage ring in time.

Seeing that Yun Chujiu didn't say anything, Multi-Eyed Hustle Beast decided to...make meritorious deeds.

"Master, do you want to get a broken rock? What's the problem, I can get one for you?! I'm not afraid to shake the mountain."

When Yun Chujiu heard it, he couldn't help but smile wryly. Yeah, it wouldn't be enough to let the hornet's nest do it. She was really clever and confused.

"Okay, go get me a piece, and be safe."

Seeing Yun Chujiu's amiable look to Yun Chujiu and telling him to be safe, the multi-eyed resentful beast immediately felt happy.

No wonder Ergouzi always want to do meritorious service, the feeling of meritorious service is so wonderful!

In order to be more certain, it went into the storage ring and stayed for a while, so that it would have more time to come out.

When it came out again, it floated into the mountain crook.

For the sake of safety, Yun Chujiu did not follow up, but waited near Shanwan'er.

In a short while, I saw Multi-Eyed Resent Beast running out, and it was running fast.

Yun Chujiu originally wanted to ask if he got the stone, but when he got to his lips, he changed to: "What's wrong with your eyes?"

The dozens of eyes of the multi-eyed resentful beast all turned eyes.

Is this being beaten by someone?

The multi-eyed resentful beast did not say a word, and flew directly back to the storage ring.

Yun Chujiu asked again with his spiritual knowledge: "What's the matter? Why are your eyes blue?"

The multi-eyed resentful beast still said nothing.

Yun Chujiu frowned: "Did you get hit by those stones? Tell the truth, I will avenge you!"

When the multi-eyed resentful beast heard it, he burst into tears.

"Master, they are too bullying! Ooo, as soon as I went in, they beat me in groups and punched me in the eyes. This is sincere to embarrass me!"

Although Yun Chujiu had guessed something just now, he was still a little surprised.

Those stones will attack people?

But on another thought, when the Hongmeng Sacred Stone selected people before, he obviously had some superficial intelligence, and it was not too strange to be able to attack people.

That being the case, there is no need to verify it specifically, those stones should be the sacred stones of Hongmeng.

I don't know if there is anything below that can make ordinary rocks like this?

Yun Chujiu weighed it over and decided to try to enter after dawn to avoid danger.

After being so busy, she was also a little sleepy, put the dog's tail grass out and let it watch the night, and then went to sleep in the universal small tent.

Dog's tail grass hugs the stem with two leaves, looking around like a person holding his shoulder.

Looking at it, it "murmured" to Black Zhuzi and Taixu Jing, asked them to alert it for a while, and then shrank and jumped toward Shan Wan'er.

Turning around the mountain, it looked at the rocks on the ground, a little lost.

There are some superficial impressions in its divine consciousness, it seems that the place where it lived before is somewhat similar to the scene here.

It is also barren everywhere, except for its stone parents.

It's just that it can't remember where the home is?

Why did it become a seed and also fell to three thousand continents?

When it was in a trance, the stones moved.

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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