Chapter 9766 Filial Piety

The dog's tail grass was startled, thinking that the stones had found it.

But it quickly reacted. Now it has shrunk its figure, and the stones should not be able to find it.

It stabilized its mind and continued to look forward.

It was surprised to find that the stones were actually digging into the ground. Could it be hidden in the ground?

But later it discovered that the stones only penetrated a small part of it into the ground, and most of the body was still above the ground.

It wondered, what are these stones doing?

Is there something hidden underground?

It deliberately took a closer look, but thinking of his many accomplishments, not enough to fail, he still felt that it was better not to act rashly, or the black-hearted little girl had to deal with it.

Forget it, let's observe and observe first, and then tell the little girl what happened.

After the dog's tail made up his mind, he continued to observe carefully.

The stones had become motionless, as if there were no signs of life.

It wasn't until dawn that the stones were taken back into the ground.

Only then did the dog's tail grass quietly return to the outside of Shanwan'er.

After Yun Chujiu woke up, Gouweicao said the matter again.

Of course, it was said after gaining control of the body.

"Grandma, what do you say they are doing?"

Yun Chujiu pondered for a while before he said: "It is estimated that the principle is similar to planting piles. It should be absorbing something."

The dog's tail was very curious: "Then let's dig it down and take a look?"

"It is estimated that digging is impossible. Moreover, as soon as I stepped in, I shake the mountain and save my life, let alone dig things." Yun Chujiu said.

Dogtail Cao said to himself: "It would be great if I could become a stone. Maybe I can come to a fake and inquire about some news."

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, Yun Chujiu moved in his heart:

"Dogtail, don't you and your stone father and mother have feelings? Why don't you put one in and see if you can get something."

The dog's tail froze immediately after hearing it!

"Grandma, what are you talking about?!

The situation in front is unknown. What if there is something wrong with my stone father and mother, how can I live? !

How can I be such a filial child to put my stone father and mother in danger? !

No, I firmly disagree! "

Yun Chujiu sighed: "Since you disagree, forget it. Originally, I thought you had made such a big sacrifice. I had to find a way to get more herbs for you, but it seems unnecessary."

Dogtail Caogan laughed twice: "Grandma, I just communicated with my stone parents, they are quite willing to go.

In fact, there are many kinds of filial piety, one of which is to fully respect their opinions.

Since they are willing to go, it doesn't matter what I agree to or disagree with. "

Yun Chujiu: "...Dogtail, you are so filial!"

The dog's tail hurriedly said: "That is, there is no grass more filial than me in the world!

Grandma, I will honor you in the future! "

Yun Chujiu said heartily, I dare not ask for such filial piety!

After Yun Chujiu regained control of his body, he took out the three stone parents of the dog's tail grass and asked the dog's tail grass to pick one to perform the task.

Dog's Tail Cao picked a stone father and mother with the strongest sensitivity to it, and after taking control of Yun Chujiu's body, she thumped and knelt on the ground:

"Father, mother, it's not your child's filial piety that puts you in a dangerous situation. It is true that your grandmother is older than your generation. This filial piety also has to be ranked on the seniority!"

(End of this chapter)

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