Chapter 9767 is cut

Yun Chujiu was speechless by the dog's tail grass!

Prioritizing seniority?

After all, it's because... you are a glutton!

In order to order medicinal herbs, I pushed my parents out.

Dog's tail grass talked about it for a long time, and then said to Yun Chujiu: "Grandma, I'm done telling you, and the rest is up to you."

After Yun Chujiu got back control of his body, he hid the stone in his sleeve, and then turned around the mountain.

Those stones are not as active as they do at night. At this time, they all stay quietly where they are. If you don't know, you might think they are just ordinary stones.

Yun Chujiu said to the multi-eyed resentful beast with his spiritual sense: "Hornet's nest, this time I have arrangements. I will let you out and you will come out again.

If you come out early, I can't spare you! "

The multi-eyed resent beast repeatedly said yes, just let it go out anyway.

After Yun Chujiu told the multi-eyed grievance beast, this time he moved forward cautiously.

One step, two steps...Nine steps, ten steps, Yun Chujiu is a little puzzled, she has already walked ten steps, why did she shake the mountain?

Is it to lure the enemy deeper?

She sneered in her heart, still playing art of war? Since you want to lure the enemy deeper, then I will do it!

She speeded up abruptly, then leaped forward, hugged a rock and ran back.

The stone struggled a few times, but suddenly stopped for some reason.

But at this time the ground began to tremble violently, and the rocks on the mountain also rolled down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yun Chujiu shook the stone in his sleeve to the ground.

"Hornet's nest, come out!"

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast ran out in a hurry, wrapped Yun Chujiu with resentment and quickly escaped from Shan Wan'er.

"Master, how is it? Is it just right for me to appear?" Multi-eyed resentful beast said.

Yun Chujiu's mind is now on the stone in his hand and the stone father and mother of the dog's tail grass. There is no time to talk nonsense with it, so after a few perfunctory praise, he pushed it back to the storage ring.

The multi-eyed complaining beast is not stupid, of course, seeing that Yun Chujiu is perfunctory to it, he is a little unhappy.

It has developed a habit now, and when it is unhappy, it will vent its anger with those resentments, so it begins to curse:

"Boys, why don't you say anything? Are you afraid of your grandpa?"

"Look at all of you bears, you deserve to be killed in the first place, all of them are tortoises!"


Still relying on how it scolded, those grievances did not move.

The multi-eyed resentful beast suddenly felt that he was awe-inspiring, and his previous congestion was gone.

It has the mood to look at the situation outside.

Yun Chujiu asked the dog's tail to keep an eye on the movement of its stone father and mother. She took the snatched stone over and over to see how it looked like a gray ordinary stone.

Yun Chujiu looked for a while, then decided to cut it open with a broken sword.

Although there was nothing in the cracked stone during the stone fight yesterday, she decided to take a closer look.

So she raised the broken sword.

Before the sword fell, the stone in her hand suddenly jumped out and jumped in the direction of the mountain curve.

It was also unlucky. It happened to be blocked by the peeping dog's tail grass, and a grass leaf kicked back.

Yun Chujiu picked up the knife and cut the stone in half, and found no difference with the normal stone.

At this moment, the dog's tail grass in the dantian suddenly seized control of the body, and pulled out a small object from half of the stone...

I have to go out for about ten days, and I recently updated two chapters a day.

(End of this chapter)

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