Chapter 9796 Bold Guess

The dog's tail grass wanted to cry. The holy spring Xiao Qiao'er said must be the Zhen weak water used to corrode the evil shards, and the Zhen weak water was drunk by it.

If Xiao Qiao'er knew it, he probably had the heart to kill it, not to mention being in love with it.

Yun Chujiu's heart sank too, which is bad! It seems that it is really weak water that was drunk by the dog's tail grass.

Can you tell the truth?

Yun Chujiu decided to tell the truth after weighing it up. Xiao Qiao'er valued the Holy Spring very much. If he lied to it, he might not end well once the matter was revealed.

In this case, it is better to be honest, and perhaps there is a remedy.

So Yun Chujiu deliberated his rhetoric, trying to be as euphemistic as possible, and said the matter again.

Xiao Qiao'er did not speak for a while, and then screamed sharply: "Dog tail, you spit it out for me!"

The dog's tail can't speak, even if it can, he doesn't know what to say.

I have swallowed it, where can I vomit it? !

The Ergouzi in the spirit beast bag was a little gloating, and the dog's tail completely offended Xiao Qiao'er, and was basically out!

Without competitors, as long as it performs well, Xiaoqiaoer will definitely fall in love with it.

Now is an excellent performance opportunity, let Xiaoqiaoer admire it.

It kept scratching its dog's head with its dog's paw, and suddenly its eyes lit up.

"Little sister, anger can't solve the problem, let me analyze it for you.

You said before that you smelled the scent of a holy spring on the little fairy, right? "

Although Xiao Qiaoer was very impatient, she still held a glimmer of hope and patiently said: "Yes, it is because of this smell that I signed a contract with her."

Ergouzi snapped his fingers: "That's right! Since the breath of the holy spring still remains on the little fairy, it means that this matter can be saved!

Since there is still a breath, it means there are still residues, dog tail, have you hidden some privately? At this time, don't hide it, take it out quickly! "

The dog's tail was so angry that it was so annoyed that it would like to please Xiao Qiao, how could it be hidden? ! It was really drunk and it was not hidden at all.

Yun Chujiu frowned and said: "Dog's tail does not hide it privately, perhaps because the holy spring is special, even if it is swallowed by the dog's tail, it still has some residual aura."

She had guessed that way before.

Xiao Qiao'er immediately said: "Impossible! If the holy spring is swallowed, I will definitely not be able to smell it. You must still have the holy spring on your body, give it to me!"

Yun Chujiu is really indisputable this time, she really hasn't!

At this moment, the voice of many eyes resenting the beast sounded in the divine consciousness: "Master, I have a bold guess, would you like to listen to it?"

Yun Chujiu is now in a hurry to go to the doctor: "Say!"

"I think, the scent of the holy spring that Xiao Qiao'er smelled should be from the fragments of Sha.

Think about it, this thing has been soaked in Zhenqiu Water for millions of years, and it has been soaked in toxins and so on, so it is normal to leave some Zhenqiu Water breath. "Many-eyed Hustle Beast shook his head and said.

Yun Chujiu felt that there seemed to be some truth, but the crux of the problem was that she did not dare to take out the fragments of Sha. It was one aspect of attracting the sky thunder, mainly because she was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

She also couldn't get Xiao Qiao'er in for verification, except for the special physique of the Multi-Eyed Beast, the other spirit pets couldn't get into the storage ring.

(End of this chapter)

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