Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9797: This peace of mind is my hometown

Chapter 9997 This peace of mind is my hometown

In the end, it was Ergouzi's bad idea, that Multi-Eyed Hustle Beast took a piece of cloth and rubbed it on the broken piece of Sha, then took it out and let Xiaoqiaoer smell it.

Xiao Qiao'er smelled a stronger sacred spring aura on the cloth, so the speculation of the multi-eyed resentful beast was correct. There was indeed a sacred spring remaining on the fragments of Sha.

Xiao Qiao'er was overjoyed: "Hurry up and soak it in the spring under the drip cliff. It won't take long for the holy spring to recover!"

Of course Yun Chujiu didn't agree to this, her eyes flashed, and she said:

"Small, you can't take out the broken pieces of Sha. Once you take it out, not only will I be in trouble, but you won't get better.

Because once the sky thunder is attracted, the forces behind the group of shadows will be alarmed.

I have a workaround. I put a large tank of water in the storage ring, and then put the pieces of Sha in it. After a long time, the toxins will naturally be released into the water.

At that time, I will hand the poisoned water to you, and you will put it in the spring of Dripping Cliff. "

Xiao Qiao'er is not very happy: "It will take a long time, what if you go back then?"

Er Gouzi blinked his dog's eyes: "Sister Xiaoqiaoer, don't worry, the little fairy always speaks for words, don't you still have me?! I'll help you stare!

If you really don't worry, you just go out with us, you stare at it yourself, and you won't be on a business trip. "

"Get out? I have to stay here, besides, there is that group of shadows..." Xiao Qiao'er hesitated.

Er Gouzi said hurriedly: "What is there to guard here?! If you don't worry about the seeds of the fruit, let's bring them all!

As for Sombra, you split a ray of divine consciousness and let the little fairy blow it up for you.

Besides, things here will be revealed sooner or later, if you stay here, don't you wait for bad luck? !

Also, it’s fun outside, no better than your nest here..."

Ergouzi kept croaking, and said to his heart, can you get rid of the list in one fell swoop!

Xiao Qiao'er still couldn't make up his mind: "What if I leave and the people behind ruin our home?"

Er Gouzi's tone suddenly became serious: "Little sister, talent is the most important at any time, and things are secondary.

Besides, haven't you heard my famous saying?

This peace of mind is my hometown, and the place that makes you feel at ease is your home. You can't worry about it all day long here, what kind of home? ! "


Er Gouzi was so spitting, not to say it was small, even his rival dogtail grass admitted sourly that Er Gouzi did have two brushes.

Not to mention anything else, it can indeed be said.

Xiao Qiao'er was really moved by Er Gouzi and decided to leave here with Yun Chujiu.

However, there are too many things to do.

The first thing to do is to take small planting stakes and take away those fruit seeds as well.

Since the conversation between Yun Chujiu and Xiao Qiao'er was conducted with divine consciousness, Chi Wu and the others were not clear at all.

I just saw Yun Chujiu frowning and sighing at that moment, and his heart followed.

Yun Chujiu didn't explain either, just let them stay here, and then pulled Xiao Qiao'er out of the ground like a radish, carried him out of the station.

Chi Wugga babbled, but said nothing.

But Sandan yelled at Yun Chujiu carelessly: "Are you going to get beads? Get some more!"

The big head said irritably, "Are you short-sighted?! Didn't you see her pull out all the fruit seedlings?! It is estimated that there is no need for us to produce beads!

It is estimated that the next step is to unload the mill and kill the donkey! "

 Continue tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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